Chapter 17 - The vister

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T/W - Past, rape, police, Deathlanguage, homophobes,

Romans POV
We hear someone knock on the door. We stopped what we were doing to go see who it was.
"Hello We are looking for Virgil Morres." An office says.
"Hi, I am Virgil." He says as he opens the door more to let them in.
"I am Officer Pin. So you are living in your house now."
"Yes." He says.
"And who is this." The officer said as he look at me.
"Hello. I am Roman Charming." I say as I put my hand out to shake his hand. He shakes mine.
"Please, sit." Virgil says as we walk into the dinning room.
"Roman, how are you in relation to Virgil?"
"He is my boyfriend."
"I see." Officer Pin says
"How can we help?" Virgil says. I see his hands are shaking. I grab on of his hands under the table.
"I am here to talk to you about your mothers death and housing again."
"I have called the funeral home the plan a day for the funeral."
"Thank you."
"We needed to know what you are going to do."
"Um, I was thinking just to have some people come and we burry her. Nothing fancy."
"Okay. Well we can hurry her in town for a few hundred plus the tombstone price. Or we can have her burried next to your father."
"We can burry her next to my fa-father, we got a tombstone for the 2 of them."
"Okay. So you should go up to the funeral home and talk to them about caskets."
"We will."
"Okay, we also wanted to tell you we found one of your cousins. They are 22 years old. But they live in London."
"Okay. Did something happen to them."
"No, we were wondering if you would want to live with them."
I look at Virgil, his eyes are wide open I put my hand on his leg to show I want him to stay.
"I think I am going to stay here."
"Okay. Well thank you for your time. I should go now."
"Thank you."
We show him to the door. He leaves.
"Thank you for helping me." Virgil says
"I wanted you to know it will be okay."
"Thanks. Um by the way, I wouldn't have went to London any way. I knew my cousin was alive. He use to baby sit me."
"Oh, I see."
"He hit me. A lot. He also told me to kill myself many times, then um once he got a little to aggressive. He did something I wish I could forget."
I was about to say he didn't have to tell me but then he told me something that hurt me.
"He raped me."
My jaw dropped.
"That bitch, I am going to kill him."
"He is in London now. It is okay Roman."
"Are you sure."
"Yeah, lets go to the funeral home now."
We go to the funeral home and get everything figured out. They told us the school is paying for half for the cost. We plan the burial for this Wednesday. Then we leave.
"Hey did you want to grab a bite to eat?" I ask Virgil
We go to a Chinese Buffet. We get our food and sit down.
"How did you do that all with a straight face. I would have been crying my eyes out."
"Well, my mom and dad. They knew what my cousin did. They didn't do anything about it. And my mom, she hated me. She never wanted me. Nor did my father. They both hated me. So I started to hate then too. I still love my mom. I knew she still kinda loved me."
"Oh, I see. Lets talk about something else."
"Okay, um so Roman tell me about your parents."
"Okay, like I said before they work a lot. They loved me, and I loved them. They wanted a girl. But they had a boy. Thrh were okay with that. But when they found out I did choir and dance they got mad. They thought I was gay or something. My dad hit me. So I quite dance. Then when they found us kissing my mom got really mad."
"Oh, I am sorry. My parents are homophobes too."
We talk about happier things and have a great time.
"Hey do you want to go to Pattons afterwards?" Virgil asks
"I want to meet his family, and he is a really funny guy."
"Okay I guess we can."
We finish eating then we went to Pattons.
We knocked on his door and Thomas opened the door.
"Roman, it is so good to see you." He says as he hugs me
"Thomas it was like 2 days ago since I see you last."
"I know. Oh and who do we have here?"

Virgils POV
"Hi, I am Virgil."
"Patton spent the night at your house last night right?"
"Yeah. Speaking for Patton, is he home?"
"Yeah, him and Logan are upstairs I will get them. Come into there house again.
"Patton, Logan! Roman and Virgil are here to talk to you guys."
"Okay!" I here Logan yell
"Be down there in a minute papa!" Patton yelled. I giggle.
"What is so funny." Roman asks
"I wonder what they are doing up there." I giggle.
"I don't think I want to think about that."
Patton and Logan walk down the stairs. Logan is fixing his tie and Pattons hair looks like a mess.
"Hi kiddos." Patton says
"Hi guy. Do we need to know what y'all were doing up there?"
"We were playing a game." Logan says as he sits down
"What we you playing?" Roman asks
"Mario. What did you think we were doing?" Roman and I look at each other and smile.
"Okay, what brings you by?" Patton asks as he sits next to Logan.
"I wanted to thank you for the door."
"What did you do to the door?" Logan asks
"Roman and I pattoned it."
"You didn't guy." I say
"Well you okay, I was on the Virge of laughing, but now you just Romaned it."
We all laugh.
"That was a good one." Roman says
"Thank you." Patton says
"Oh also um, we also came here to say, um, we are. burying my mom this Wednesday."
"Oh, we will be there. Were will it be at?" Logan says
"It will be in  College City ,Flordia." I say
"Is that where you are from?"  Patton asks
"Hey babes." A man with sunglasses and coffee walked in and said.
"Hi Dad." Patton says
"Hello, Mr. Decker." Logan says
"Hi Remy." Roman says
I sit there puzzled.
"And who are you?" Remy asks me
"I am V-virgil."
"Yeah so, Virgil I have 2 dads."
Roman wipes a tear from my face. I didn't even know I was crying.
"Babe, are you okay." Remy asks
"I I I, Patton I am so jelly of you."
Patton looks shocked.
"Why?" He asks
"Your Dad's are expecting for you. They love you. They are amazing!" I say hugging Roman.
"Virgil, are you okay?" Thomas asks
"Some stuff happend with his parents. He doesn't want to talk about it right now." Roman says.

We chat some more then Roman and I go home. We watch a move and fall asleep. I had the same dream again. But this time it was with Logan.

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