Chapter 10 - I'm cold

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T/W - Homophobe, Talking about Self Harm, Language

Virgils POV
"Okay I will start. Autumn or Spring." Roman
"Autumn, you get to wear hoodies." I laugh at that
"I like Spring, because of all the flowers."
"Lol, okay um early bird or night owl?"
"Morning, I love the sun."
"Night, you get to be in the dark and do whatever you want."
"Okay. Date Girls or Boys."
"Um... You go first."
"I would rather date boys."
"Cool your turn Virge."
"Thunder or Lighting."
"Lighting, I love to glow."
"Thunder, I love how it scarys must people, and I love to be the after math."
"Sunbathe or Swim."
"Okay, twenty one pilots or Panic! At the Disco?"
"Twenty one."
"Rock music or Pop music Virgil."
"Sun or Rain."
"I like the sun."
"Rain, it is so peaceful."
"Yeah, um Find the perfect one or date till you find the perfect one."
"Um, Roman that is easy, find the perfect one first. I don't wanna be heartbroken."
"I see, um Fine the perfect one."
"Gay, or other?"
"I'm gay." Roman says being scared.
"I am gay too."
"Cool, yeah I think Logan and Patton are too."
It starts to rain. Roman shivers.
"Hey are you cold?"
"Hey I am."
"Here." I take off my hoodie.
"Thank you, but wont you get cold."
"Nah. I like being cold."
"Lets go home."
We talk home in silence. We get into the house. We go up to Romans room.
"Roman, how much longer can I stay?"
"As long as you want."
"I can always go back to my place."
"Virge we have talked about this."
"I know. Thank you."
"It isn't a being deal." Roman gives me back my hoodie.
"Hey I need to go use the bathroom."
I walk into the bathroom. I unwrap my arm. My cuts are kinda healing. I can't believe I did this to myself. I wrap it back up. I walk out of the bathroom.
"Hey Virge."
"My hands are cold." I look at him then I walk up to him and sit on the floor next to him. I hold his hands.
"Thanks." Roman blushes.
"You are adorable when you blush."
"Oh thanks."
There is silence for like 5 seconds.
"Virge, my body is cold too."
I smile and hold him. He cuddles closer to my chest.
"It isn't a problem."
"Virge." He looks up at me.
"My lips are also cold."
I smile, then I look into his eyes and kiss him. He kisses me back.  I put one hand on his waist and then on his neck. He puts his arms around my neck and his hands in my hair.
"Roman! I am disappointed in you! You get out of my house in 10 minutes!" Romans mom yells. I look up and she is at the doorway staying at us.
"Sorry." I say
"10 minutes." She says and closes Romans door.
"I am sorry Virgil."
"No it is okay."
"Hey hear is my number if you need something." Roman hands me a piece of paper with his number on it.
"Thanks. I should get my stuff together."
I put all my stuff in my box then walk out of the door. I walk to my house in the rain. I open the door and take my stuff to my room. I add Romans number into my phone. I unpack all my stuff. And lay in my bed. I take off my hoodie and unwrap my cuts. I play some music on my phone and go to sleep.

Romans POV
"Mom, it was my fault." I tell her.
"I am not letting you have someone living in my house that you are hooking up with."
"It was a dare." I try to tell her
"Don't even get me started. You are gay now too."
"I am not your mom. I thought I rasied you better. I will not raise a gay kid in my house."
"I am sorry."
"Get out of my house too."
"Shut the Fuck up!" She says then slaps me.
I run to my room. I pack some cloths, a phone charger, ear buds, and some other stuff. I look at my bed. I see Virgil left his Hoodie again. I stuff that into my bag. I grab my phone and walk out of my house without saying goodbye. I can't go to Virgils because he probably hates me. I get into my car and drive to Pattons. I knew where he lived because I seen him walk him dog and he came out of that house. I pull up and walk to his house. He had a 2 story house. I knock on the door. A man with sunglasses and a coffee opened the door.
"Hello. Um are you Pattons dad."
"Yeah I am. Do I know you?"
"I am Roman charming. I know Patton from school."
"Let me go get him." Minutes later Patton walks to the door.
"Roman oh my god come in." I walk into the house. He leads me to his living room.
"What are you doing here."
"My mom kicked me out."
"How come. What about Virgil."
"She kicked him out too. Lets just say she found out I am gay."
"Oh. Well if you want you can stay here for a bit."
"Thank you Patton."
"Hey Dad can you come here." Two men walk into the room.
"Roman, these are my dads. This is Remy, and this is Thomas."
"Oh, cool."
"So papa I was wondering can Roman say here for a bit."
"Yeah, what happend." Remy said as he walks over to me.
"My mom found out I was gay. Then she said I wasnt her son."
"Roman, you are more than welcome to say here."
"Are you sure"
"Thank you Remy."
"You can share a room with Patton for a bit."
"Thank you."
"Lets get you settled in Roman." Patton says to me

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