Chapter 34 - Christmas Day

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Virgil's POV
It is Christmas Eve. Logan and I have decorated the house for tomorrow. I can't sleep though. I am excited for my real first Christmas. I look at the time. 11:59pm. I smile. I watch the clock. 12:00am. I jump on Logan and shake him.
"Logan it's Christmas!" I yell
"What time is it?" He asks all sleepily
"12:01am." I say while smiling
"Ugh. Wake me back up in 10 hours you goofball." He says as he turns over to go back to sleep.
I smile and cuddle with him. I was cold. He flips over.
"You cold." He asks
"Maybe, or maybe I just want to be close to you." I say while smiling.
"Come here." He says and he comes closer to me. I get closer. He pulls me close to me and spoons me. I smile.
"You are like a little adorable cat." He says
"Thanks." I say as I get as close to him as possible. He puts his arms around me and we fall asleep.

I wake up. Something was warm around me. I remembered what happened and I smile. I get close to Logan.
"Merry Christmas my little cat." He says
I smile.
"Haha so funny." I say "Merry Christmas Logy." I say back
"We should make some food for today." Logan says
"Wait I wanna stay here a bit longer."
"If you want to go we can." I say
He pulls me close to him.
"No. I want you close to me." He says
I giggle. We lay there for a little longer.
"Okay let's go." I say
Logan gets up and then he bridal style carrys me.
"You know I can walk?" I say
"Yeah but I still want you close to me."
I would be lying if I said if didn't want him close to me also. I always felt safe and calm around him.
"Okay. We are getting Chicken from Country Mart for today and we made a cheesecake yesterday. What else do we need?" Logan asks as he takea me to the kitchen and puts me down.
"We need to buy a pie." I say "omg we should make some puddin! I say."
"Okay, and we should get chips and pretzels, also cookies." Logan says
"Patton and Roman are bringing cookies, brownies, and some chicken." I say
"Okay I think we have everything. When are they coming?" Logan says
I look at the time. It is 11:27pm.
"At 12."
"Oh we should go."
"Yeah, um let's get dressed first."
"Okay. I am wearing one of your hoodies." Logan says.
I smile "Then I am wearing one of yours." I say
"Fine." Logan says.
We go to my bedroom, last night we both fell asleep in jeans so we just needed a hoodie.
"Are you just going to wear the one you have?" I ask
"Yeah. Here." He says as he gives me a hoodie.
I put on the dark blue hoodie with black sleeves.
"Thanks." I say
"Let's go." Logan says
We get into my car and go to country mart. We buy a lot of chicken, Sun Chips, Classic Chips, stuff for pudding, and a already made Chocolate Pie. We also buy some starbucks and we pay for the stuff and go back home. When we got home it was 11:47.
"Okay I will make the pudding and you get everything ready.' Logan says.
I get a rainbow table cloth and put in on my dinner table. I put the chicken, Pie, and Cheesecake on the table. I get 3 bowls for the Chips and Pretzels. I look over and Logan was done with the pudding. He put the pudding into small cups and put them into the fridge.
"This looks amazing." Logan says
"Well it could be gayer." I say
"Yeah. Oh we need to put the gifts around the tree." Logan says
I go to my room and get the gifts. Logan goes to the guest room. We put the gifts under the tree. I wrapped mine in Rainbow wrapping paper and Logan had his in bags.
*Knock Knock*
"It's always open!" I yell
Remy, Thomas, Roman, and Patton all walk into the door.
"Wow it looks great in here." They say together. Logan and I giggle.
"Here let me get the food. The gifts go under the tree." I say
I put the food on the table. Patton brought Cookies, brownies chicken, and ham.
"Thanks for having us." Roman says
"Well did you know this is Virgil first Christmas." Logan says
"Yeah we never celebrated Christmas." I say
"Well then today will be amazing." Thomas says.
"Hey babes do y'all have coffee." Remy says
"Yeah we have some Starbucks in the fridge for everyone." Logan says
Remy gets the Coffee and gives it to everyone.
"Let's eat." I say.
We all enjoy our food. The cheesecake and puddin was the best. We all talk and laugh the whole time.
"Well since everyone is done. Should we do gifts." Thomas says
"Sure." Logan and I say at the same time.
"Secret Santa will be last." Roman says.
"Okay." Patton says.
We all give each other our gifts.

Remy goes first. From Roman he got a $50 Starbucks gift card. From Patton he got a hoodie with a Starbucks drink on the back. From Logan he also go a $50 Starbucks gift card and a shirt that says Starbucks and Sleep is life. From Thomas he got 5 new shirts and a hoodie. From me I got him a pair of sunglasses, a Starbucks coffee cup, and a $15 gift card for StarBucks.

Then Thomas goes, from Roman he got a necklace that says I'm gay. From Patton he got a new brown leather jacket. From Logan he got a book about LGBT history and the community. From Remy he got a braclet that says I love you and a new red shirt. I got him a Star Shirt, $10 McDonald's gift card, and a coffee cup that say it could be gayer.

Roman goes next. From Remy he got a red hoodie. From Thomas he got a red coffee cup and a shirt that says I am the prince. From Patton he got a necklace that says together forever and a picture of them on a date. From Logan he got new earbuds and a couple of Disney movies. From me he got a red hoodie and a red football and a red phone case for his phone.

Then Patton goes. From Remy he got a cat and dog phone case with a light blue background. From Thomas he got a hoodie with cats and dogs also a necklace with a dog on it. From Roman he go a light blue hoodie that a crown on the back and a stuffed animal of a cat. From Logan he got all the Harry Potter books. And I got him blue earbuds, a $30 target gift card, and a picture of all of us.

Then Logan goes. From Remy he got a new journal with the sky on the cover. From Thomas he got a bracelet that has a book on it. From Roman he got a $50 pizza lover gift card. From Patton he got a new coffee maker. And from me I got him a necklace with a sun on it. I had one with a moon on it. I also got him a Space themed Coffee Cup and dark blue hair dye.

Now for my turn. From Remy I got a black hoodie that says Fear me on the back of it. From Thomas I got Bluetooth headphones. From Roman I got a new phone case that says forever gay on it. From Patton I got a purple hoodie. And from Logan I got a picture in a frame of him and I. It was from the day that we took pictures infront of the sunset. He also got me a new popsocket that says Normal People Scare Me.

We all thanked eachother for everything.
"Now for the secret Santa." Patton says

Roman, Patton, Logan, and I gather around and grab our gifts.  Thomas pulled a name out and who's name got pulled got to open there gifts. First he pulled Logans, Patton got him.
He opens his gift he got a box that was full of Open when cards. "Thank you Patton." Logan says

Now Romans name was drawn. I had him. I got him a necklace that says Prince Charming on it. Also a gold, red, and white jacket and some jeans. "Thanks Virge." He says.
"Your welcome." I say back

Now it was Patton's turn. Roman got his gift. Roman got Patton a Light Blue Rose and a Gray jacket with cat ears on the hood and thumb holes. "Omg thank you Roman. This is an amazing." Patton says. "Your welcome." Roman says.

I was last and Logan had mine. Logan grabbed my hand and we went outside. It was snowing and I was confused. Everyone seemed to know what was going on except me. Logan stops.

"Virgil Moores. I have known you for a long time now. I wanted to tell you I love you. And I hope you feel the same. I think you are amazing and smart. If you wanted you could change the world. Virgil I wanted to make this right and now feels amazing. So Virgil," he grabs my hands. "Will you be my boyfriend."

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