Chapter 32 - Hang overs suck

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Virgil's POV
I wake up in Logan's arms. I smile remembering last night. I get up without waking him up. He is so cute when he is sleeping. I go into th bathroom and get him some medicine for the hangover he is going to have. I make some coffee and I make some eggs. The coffee is done and I put some into 2 coffee cups. I finish making scrambled eggs. I decide I wanted some toast so i toast 4 slices of bread. When the bread is toasted I put butter on all 4 slices and I but some crofters on the toast. I put 2 slices of toast on a plate with some eggs. I put it on the coffee table then I put a cup of coffee and the medicine next to the plate.
"Logan. It is time to get up." I say
I see his eyes flutter open.
"Good morning logey." I say
"My head." He responds
"Wow I don't even get a good morning and you are all ready complaining. What am I going to do with you." I say while laughing
Logan sits up and looks at the food infront of him.
"Good morning Virgil. Also thank you for making me breakfast."
"Your welcome." I say
He takes some medicine and starts to eat. I grab my food and sit next to him and eat.
"This is amazing." Logan says
"No duh I mad it." I say
"Hey do you remember last night."
"I remember dancing with you, then you wanted to leave then we did jello shots and I won and I asked you to kiss me. And it was the best kiss I have ever had." He say
I blush
"Oh did I say the last part out loud.'
"Yeah." I say as I move some hair out of his eyes. I see him blush.
"Do you remember ordering pizza?"
"Yeah then we watch a movie and you feel asleep on me."
"Well that was everything that happened."
"Did you have fun last night at your first party?"
"Yeah. I had a lot of fun hanging out with you." I say.
We finish our food and coffee then Logan gets a call.
"Why should we."
"Fine we will come over." He says as he hangs up
"Come on." Logan says
"What are we doing?"
"Patton wants us to come over."
"Ugh fine. Let's change first."
I go to my room and put on a hoodie and comb my hair.
"Hey Virgil. Can I wear one of your hoodies. I am kind cold."
"Sure." I say as I throw him one.
"Thanks." Logan says as he puts it on.
"You look amazing." I say
"Thanks. It is so warm."
"Omg Logan we should dye your hair."
"Fine." Logan says
"Let's go to Patton's."
We head outside and I drive us to Patton's. We pull into the driveway and we walk out.
"You guys came." Patton says as we are about to knock.
"Yeah I guess we did."
"What are we doing here?"
"Well Roman and I wanted to know if you guys wanted to go on a picnic with us."
"Sure." Logan says
"I guess."
"Great come on in." Patton says as he opens the door wider.
"So they are coming." Roman says
"Who is all coming with?" I ask
"Oh Patton, Remy, Thomas, you guys, and I."
"Oh. Okay." I say
Great Thomas and Remy are coming.
"Okay I got everything." Thomas says
"Let's go. I am driving." Remy says
"Let's go." Roman says
We go into the car. Logan and I sit in the very back and Roman and Patton sit infront of us. Remy is driving and Thomas is next to him.
"Yo babes, this picnic is going to be lit." Remy says
"Yeah." I say to myself.
"Virgil we don't have to go if you don't want to." Logan says to me
"No we can go. It's not like I still like Roman or anything."
Roman and Patton are talking about the movie they since the other day. Then we come to a stop.
"We are here." Remy says.
We all get out. We were in a open place with 4 weeping willow trees and a lake.
"This looks great." I say
"I know right." Roman says
Thomas and Remy lay out 3 blankets. And place the food out.
"It is ready." Thomas yells
We all go over there and sit down.
"This is amazing." Remy says as he kisses Thomas.
"Get a room." I say while joking.
"Oh come on. It's not like you and Logan don't kiss all the time." Roman say
"What are you talking about!" I yell
"Well aren't you and Logan together?" Patton asks
"No." Logan says
"But you guys were kissing at the party last night." Roman says
"Roman. You are so stupid. How could I ever date someone so selfish and absent minded!" I say as I get up. Logan comes behind me.
"Virgil they didn't know." Logan say as he takes my hand.
"He should know I am not ready to date yet."
"He isn't like you. He dates a lot of people. But you, you date for love he dates for fun." Logan say
"So what am I supposed to do just pretend nothing just happened."
"You could say your sorry."
"Fine." I say. I turn around and look at Roman
"I'm sorry." I say then I look back at Logan.
"Whatever. Let's just sit down and chill."
"Fine. But don't expect me to talk."
"I get it." Logan says
We sit back down.
"We are sorry we didn't know." Patton says
"It's fine." I say
"Let's eat." Thomas say.
We eat out food and talk.
"Hey let's go swimming." Patton says
"Yeah!" Everyone except me says.
"Let's go." Roman says as he jumps into the lake. Everyone else follows even Logan. I sit on the edge of the lake. I can't swim so I didn't want to get him.
"Come on Virgil. Get him." Roman says
"No thanks." I say
"Fine." Roman says
Then I feel someone pull me into the water. I take a breath before I am fully in the water. I keep falling. I close my eyes. This is my time. Then I feel someone put there arms around me. Then pull me out of the water. I cough and breath as much air I can. I see Logan was the one to pull me up. I cuddle closer to him.
"Virgil I didn't know you can't swim." Roman says
"You don't know anything about me." I say
"Did you inhale any water?" Logan asks
"No. I am fine. Let's just go home." I say.
Logan carrys me into the car and we sit in the back. Everyone else goes into the car. I cuddle close to Logan.
"Thanks Logan." I say
"It was nothing." Logan says
We drive back to town. They go to my house first. Logan and I get out and go into my house.
"Well that was fun." I say as I shiver
"Hey why don't you take a hot shower." Logan says
"Okay I will."
I get done clothes and hop into the shower. I finish and dry off. I put on my hoodie and black jeans. I walk out if the bathroom and I smell cookies.
"Hey Virgil. I made some chocolate chip cookies. They are cooking off now.
"Thanks." I say as I go onto the couch.
"Here let me bring you some." Logan says as he bring some cookies on a plate.
"Thanks." I say. I eat one cookie.
"These are amazing." I say
We finish all the cookies. Then we watch a movie and we fall asleep cuddling.

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