Chapter 28 - You did what!

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Virgils POV
We are back home and it is now October almost Halloween. Roman and I are growing closer I feel like.
"Hey do you want to watch a movie." I ask Roman
"No I am just going to go to sleep."
"Okay." I say.
Roman lays down in our bed. I sit on the couch to watch a movie. I deside to watch Halloween. The movie is over and I get a text from Logan.

Logan: Can we go on a walk to the park?
Me: Sure I will at your house in 10.
Logan: Okay.

I leave the house and go to Logan's.
"Thanks for coming." Logan says
"It isn't a problem. Do you want to go to a cafe or something?" I ask
We walk to 24 cafe.
"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask.
"Lets get our food first." Logan says.
My anxiety kicks in. What is going on!?
"What do you want?" Logan asks
"A brownie and a French Vanilla Latte."
Logan orders our food and it arrives.
"This brownie is really good." Logan says.
I just want to know what is going on.
"Is everything okay?" I ask
"My parents got divorced."
"I see. Are you staying with your mom or dad?"
"I am staying with my mom."
"Yeah its also a good thing she wants to stay here. My dad is moving out of state."
"Anything you want to talk about?"
"I haven't had a nightmare since that day we hung out."
"That's great." Logan says.
"Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?" I ask
"Um yeah. Did Roman tell you anything or acting weird?"
"Yeah. He didn't want to watch a movie and all he wants to do is sleep but he didn't tell me anything why?"
"Well um."

Romans POV
I don't know what to do. I think I am going to tell Virgil tomorrow. Yeah. This is eating me up. I don't know what to do? Should stay or should I go?

Virgils POV
"You know. If it is really that bad I think Roman would tell me. I don't want to know." I say. I take my drink and leave. I think it would be better if Roman told me what happened but I won't ask him about it. I need some sleep.
I get home and throw my drink away. I lay down on the couch and go to sleep.

Next day

I wake up. Ugh its Monday. We have school. I get up to my room.
"Good morning babe." I say as I wake Roman up.
"Good morning." He says.
I get my clothes and go into the bathroom. I put on my primer and foundation. Then I change into my hoodie and black jeans. I look down. I take off my hoodie and put on a My Chemical Romance shirt. I put on some bracelets and my necklace from the festival. My cuts are still there so I put on some cool gloves that cover my wrist. Done. I walk out of the bathroom.
"Hey babe. Lets go to school now." I yell as I grab my phone, ear buds, and bookbag.
Roman walks out of my room with his Red T-Shirt and Jersey with white jeans.
"Wow. What did you do with Virgil."
"Lol. I wanted to change it up a little." I say
"Well you still look amazing." He says. I kiss him on the lips. He is a takes a second to kiss back then he finally does.
"Lets go to school." I say.
We walk to school and talked about which is cuter cats or dogs. I think cats but Roman likes Dogs more.
"Hey guys." I say when I see Logan and Patton.
"Who are you and what did you do with Virgil?" Logan asks. I laugh.
"I wanted to change it up." I say. I see Logan looking and my wrists I put my other hand on my wrist. I feel the tension around everyone very high. Is something going on?
"Lets get to class." Logan says.
"Lets." Patton and Roman say at the same time.

Roman sat with his other friends. I sit down with Logan and Patton.
"How was Math?" I ask Logan.
"It was boring I all ready knew everything." He says
"Okay nerd." I say while laughing
"English was so fun. We are going a play. Romeo and Juliet for a class project. We have 4 people in a group. Roman, Heather, Peggy, and I are in a group together. Roman and I are Romeo and Juliet."
"That's sounds like so much fun." I say.
"Yeah it does." Logan says.
"Um I need to use the restroom. I will be right back." Patton says.

Romans POV
I give Patton the sign to go to the bathroom.
We both head to the bathroom.
"Did you tell him?" I ask Patton.
"Yeah. Did you?"
"No not yet. What did he say?"
"Nothing really. Just that everything would be fine."

After School.
Virgils POV
I walk to the movie theater.
"Hello?" I say as I walk in.
"Hello how can I help?"
"Um I am here to get a job." I say.
"Okay. There is the application and you can do it right now and I will look it over and tell you if you got the job." The person says
I fill it all out and give it to them. They read it over.
"Your hired. You will be running the snacks and drinks and 6:30pm to around 10. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and ever other Friday."
"Okay that you so much." I say.
I go home and right to down on my calender. MT 6:30-10 Tuedays to Thurdays some Fridays on the notes.
"Virgil we need to talk." Roman says
"Wait I need to tell you something first."
"Okay what's up."
I sit on the couch and Virgil follows.
"I got a job at the Movie Theater!" I say
"Omg I am so happy for you." Roman says.
"Okay so what did you want to talk about?"
"Um. I am sorry Virgil. Um. I think I am in love with another man." Roman says
"What. This has to be a joke. Come on right." I say
"No Virgil. Patton I am in love with him."
"But you love me more right?"
He doesn't answer.
"Right Roman. You are going to stay with me right?" I start to cry.
"Virgil I am so sorry it had to be like this."
"So this is it. We are just going to break up now. We have only been together for like 2 months now. We started dating in August."
"I am sorry."
"How long have you known?" I say
"Since the Festival, we kissed then."
"Did Logan know?"
"Yeah he has known for a little while. They broken up about a week ago."
"Roman. Please just get out of my house and take all your things. I need to be alone."
"As you wish." Roman says.
He gets all of his stuff and leaves.
I can't believe this all just happened so fast. I feel as if everything was great then someone just punched me.

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