Chapter 27 - The festival

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Virgil's POV
I wake up to Patton and Roman shaking me.
"Can we go to the festival!" They but yell at the same time.
"Only if we get McDonald's first." I say
"Yes!" They both say. I smile. I get up and get my stuff to get ready. I put on a purple shirt and black ripped jeans. I comb my purple to black hair. Then I put on primer and foundation. Then I get out of the bathroom.
"Who is all coming with us?" I ask
"Papa and Dad are leaving as we speak so just us 4."
Yeah a whole day with my boyfriend and my friend.
"Okay who's driving." Logan says
"I will." Patton says.
"I call shotgun." Roman tells
"Okay." I say
"Let's go." Logan says.
We go to McDonald's.
"What do you guys want?" Patton asks
"A number 5, Strawberry Shake, and large fries." Roman says
"Cheeseburger and Oreo McFlurry." Logan says
"Plain Cheeseburger, Oreo McFlurry and 1 large Fries."
"Okay thanks kiddos." Patton says.
"Hello welcome to McDonald's what would you like?" The person asks.
"Hello can I get the number 5, 1 plain Cheeseburger, 1 cheeseburger, a 10 piece chicken nugget, 2 Strawberry Shakes, 2 Oreo McFlurrys, and 3 large fries?"
"With that be all?"
"Oh and some honey for my chicken nuggets."
"Okay that will be $27.74, please pull forward."
We get our food and we go to the festival.
We drive to the festival. We all finish our burgers and nuggets. We have fries and ice cream left. When we get there, there are so many things to look at.
"Okay I think since Patton and Roman want to be here so bad you two and explore and Logan and I will explore."
"Okay!" Roman and Patton say.
"Really." Logan says
"What did you really want to hear them say, 'can I buy thing. Can I get this.' all day."
"Okay fine. Where should we start."
"Look at this!" I say.
There is a place with a lot of cool necklaces.
"I am getting one." I say
"I am too." Logan says
I buy one with a skull on it with purple gemed eyes. Logan gets some with glasses on with with 2 blue gems on the corner on the frame on the glasses.
"Hey can you put this on me?" Logan asks
I put his on him. And he puts mine on me.
"Thanks." We say at the same time.
"Let's sit down and finish our fries." I say
We finish our food and look around more. Then Patton and Roman come find us and we head back to the hotel.
"So what did you and Logan buy."
"I got a necklace and a poster." I say
"I also got a necklace and a new book."
"How about you guys." I say
"I got 2 bracelets, 3 posters, 1 necklace, cotton candy, and some other things." Roman says
"I got 3 bracelets, 4 poster, 2 necklaces, cotton candy, some more candy, a book, and a blow up giraffe." Patton says.
"Sounds like you guys had fun." Logan says
"We did." They say at the same time.
We arrive at the hotel and  Roman and I watch a movie and fall asleep. It was 8pm.

Logan's POV
Today was amazing. I got to hang out this Patton and Roman and Virgil. Omg Logan you like Patton not Virgil.
"Logan?" I hear Patton say
"I did something wrong and I dont want you to hate me."
"Patton. What did you do?"

Roman POV

I am fighting a Dragon witch. I am about to slay him so I can save the princess. I slay the dragon witch. I run into the tower to save the princess. I run to there room. I find them sleeping on there bed. I look at them. Its Patton? I have to wake him up. I put water on him But nothing is working. True loves kiss. I kiss Patton on the lips he kisses back.
"I love you Roman."
"I love you too Patton."

I wake up and I freak out. What as that about? I should go back to bed.

Pattons POV
I have to tell Logan. It is eating me up inside. No he is going to hate me after. I can't. I try to go to sleep but I can't.
"Logan?" I say
"I did something wrong and I don't want you to hate me."
"Patton What did you do?"

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