Chapter 15 - Pasta

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Pattons POV
"Hey, Logan are you okay? You have been silent since we got back."
"Yeah I'm fine Pat. Thanks for asking." He says
I sit in front of him and I hold his head.
"Good because I love you." I say as I kiss him on the lips. He grabs my waste and pulls me closer to him. I kiss his neck. My papa opens the door.
"Hello babes. Wow, um Patton hi."
"Oh sorry Papa." I say as I get off of Logan.
"Hi Logan. Wait Logan! Are you to?"
"Yes we are."
"Omg, babe, Remy get in here. You need to give me 5 dollars!"
Remy walks into the house.
"Wait are they!"
"They are!"
"Oh Logan Patton we are so happy for you!"
"Thanks Mr. Decker."
"Oh Logan call me Thomas."
"And me Remy."
"Oh okay."
"Well Papa, dad, we were about to go to Virgils and hang out with him and Roman."
"Okay. Patton I need to talk to you before you leave."
"Okay Papa, Logan i will see you in the car."
Logan leaves
"Patton, i am happy for you and Logan. But I must ask you to not be having sex on my couch. Ever."
I feel my face get bright red.
"Yes papa."
"You may go now."
I walk out to the car. And we drive to Virgils. I knock on Virgils door. I hear Virgil say hello as he opens the door.

Romans POV
"Hi." I hear a bubbly kid say.
"We don't want many cookies." I say
Virgil giggles.
"Come on in." Virgil says
Patton and Logan comes in.
"Hi guys." I say
"Hey, something smells nice." Logan says
"Yeah Roman and I made Pasta." Virgil says while extending the pa in pasta.
"We made a lot, did you guys want any?" I say
"I would love some."
Virgil takes them to kitchen. They get there food and walk into the dinning room.
"Wow Virgil, you made this place look amazing." Logan says
We talk and finish dinner.
"Do you guys want to watch a movie?" I ask
"Logan?" Patton says as he gives Logan puppy dog eyes.
We watch Beauty and The Beast. I sat next to Virgil. And we cuddled the hole time. Logan sat on the other side on Virgil and cuddled with Patton, which was on his other side.
"That was great." Virgil says as he kisses me.
"It was." Patton says.
"Hey guys, if you want you can spend the night tonight." Virgil says
"Really!" Patton yells
"Yeah, we could build a fort, or you can sleep in the guest room." Virgil says
"But where would I sleep if they got they guest room."
"My room silly. Do you really think I would let you sleep in there all by yourself?" Virgil says
"I see." I say as I kiss him
"So can we stay." Patton asks Logan
"Yeah, let me tell my parents I will be staying here tonight."
Logan tells his mom then we are all ready. We decide not to build a fort.
"Let's play truth or dare." Patton says.
"Okay." Roman says
"Um sure." Virgil says. It hits me what happened last time he played. He got the phone call.
"Babe, you don't if you don't want to?"
"No I am fine. Logan you wish to play."
"I guess."
"Who goes first?" Patton asks
"I think Virgil because it is his house, and he is the newest to school."
"Okay I shall go first. Patton Truth or Dare?" Virgil says
"Um... What is your favorite animal?"
"OMG there are to many to pick from. I love them all equally." Patton says with a huge smile on his face.
"Okay." Virgil says with a laugh behind his voice.
"Roman Truth or Dare." Patton asks
"I dare you too, stay 5 ft away from Virgil till your next turn."
"This will be hard but okay." I kiss him then go next to Patton.
"Logan Truth or Dare?" I ask
"How did you and Patton meet."
"Oh easy, in 2nd grade a new boy came to school. I was so excited. But he didn't have any friends. So one day in class he needed a partner and I chose him. Then we have been friends since Senior year of High School."
"That is True." Patton says

Logan's POV
"Okay, Virgil Truth or Dare." I say
"Dare." Virgil says
"I dare you to... Take off your shirt."
"Okay." Virgil takes his Shirt off. I look at him. He is so, Hot.
"Roman Truth or Dare." Virgil asks
"Dare." Virgil smiles as Roman.
"I dare you to kiss me."
Roman kisses Virgil. I couldn't watch the much. I look at Patton and I smile. I kiss him. I hate feeling.

Pattons POV
I wonder why Logan wanted Virge to take off his shirt. I doesn't matter. Logan kisses me. I kiss back.
"You to are so cute!" I say
They pull away
"My turn. Patton Truth or Dare."
"I dare you, to call and order us 2 large pizzas. One Cheese and One whatever you want."
I order then pizza and get back to the game.
"Logan Truth or Dare."
"I dare you to, let me paint your nails."
Virgil goes to his room and he gets a blue nail polish. I see it is long lasting and I smile. I paint his nails.
"There. All done."
"Okay, Roman Truth or Dare."
"I dare you to, eat whipped cream off of Virgil's lips."
"Easy give the whipped cream."
Roman puts it on Virgil then licks It off then he kisses him.
"Done." Roman says as Virgil wipes the rest off. The door bell rings.
"I will get it." Virgil says

Virgil's POV
I get up and get the money. I open the door where they can't see inside.
"Virgil Moores?" The girl about a year older than me asks
"That is me."
"You look great by the way, um is there any chance I can get your number." She says
"Yeah." I get a paper and right 264- I have a boyfriend. On it.
"Here call me when you get home" I say as I take the pizza.
"Okay. Oh and the pizza is on me."
"Sweet thank you." I say as I close the door. I walk into the living room with the pizza.
"What took so long babe." Roman asks
"Oh nothing, just a horny Pizza Girl trying to get my number."
"Did you give it to her?" Roman asks
"Nah, I gave her a paper that said 264 I have a boyfriend on it. And told her to call me when see gets home. Then she side the pizza was on the house."
"That is great." Patton says
"Yeah. I am lucky I have you." Roman says as he kisses my cheek.
"Yeah, lets eat."
We all talk and eat. I look at the time and see it is 1 am.
"Wow it is late. Maybe we should go to bed." Logan says.
"Yeah. Come on Virge let's go to bed."
"Okay, oh, and no sex on my mom's bed." I say.
Patton and Logan laugh and blush a lot. Roman and I go into my room.
"Goodnight babe." I say
"Goodnight love." Roman says as I kiss him. We both smile then climb into bed.

Logan's POV
"Let's go to bed." I tell Patton
"Okay. Goodnight Logan."
"Goodnight Patton."
We both climb into bed. About 10 minutes later I hear Patton snoring. I can't sleep. I look at the clock 3:37am. I really need to sleep. Maybe I should go to sleep on the couch. I go into the Living room and lay down. I hear someone get up and I hear a door open.

Virgil's POV
I wake up from my nightmare. My dad killed Roman again. I wish this would stop all ready. I get up to get something from the kitchen. I walk out of my room. I walk into the kitchen and grab a glass of water and some chips. I walk into the living room to see Logan sitting on my couch.
"Hey Logan, why are you sit up?" I ask
"I couldn't sleep. How about you?"
"I had a nightmare and I was hungry."
"Did you want to talk about it?"
"I have nothing else to do." I say as I plop down on the couch and open my chips.
"Okay, so Roman and I were on a Date, then Roman was about to kiss me, then my dad. He comes and kills Roman. This time. I stay, I don't run. He tells me how bad of a son I am. And that I shouldn't date the same sex. Then he stabs me with a knife." I say
"What did you mean by This time?" Logan asks
"This is the 3rd time I have dreamed about this. That is mostly why I can't sleep alone."
"I see. It sounds like there is a part of you that thinks you are doing something wrong."
"But, ugh this is stupid. I am sorry."
"No Virge. It is okay. I am always here for you if you want to talk."
"No problem."
"Is there anything you wanted to talk about?"
"Um, my parents are getting a divorce." Logan says
"I am sorry. Do you know why?"
"Because my dad is homophobic. And they know about me being gay."
"Oh. Hey you can stay here with Roman and I if you want."
"I don't think Roman will be okay with it."
"Well he can deal with it." I say as I giggle.
"What is so funny?"
"Oh okay. Also I think I am going to stay with Patton."
"Does he know?"
"No not yet."
"Okay. Well if you need anything I am always here for you." I say
"Thank you."
"It's nothing."
"Um, did you want to talk about what happened that day?"
"I am sorry I kissed you." Logan says
"It is okay. Its not like we were in a relationship with anyone at the time. It is all good."

Logans POV
I wake up to see Virgil sleeping at the end of the couch. I smile at the sleeping, shirtless, Virgil. I realize he was holding my hand. I move some of his hair out of his face. I put on my glasses and look at the time. 8:27am. I let go of his hand and I get up to put the chips and glasses from earlier away. Virgil wakes up.
"Hey." He says
"Hey Virgil. Do you want to help me make breakfast for the others?" I ask
"Sure. Did you want any coffee?"
"Yes please."
Virgil makes 2 cups of coffee then we start to make breakfast.

A/N hey guys I just wanted to say that this part has 1847 words in it. I wasn't trying to make it so long but it happened. Thank you for reading.

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