Chapter 6 - The Walk

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T/W - Language

Virgils POV
I go to the bathroom next to Romans room. I look at myself in the mirror. God what have I fucking done. My mom and dad are dead, I got into a fight at school. And I am staying at this guys house for weeks. I am fucking useless. I think to myself. In rage I slam my  arm onto the counter top. Fuck that hurt. Why am I here. The world would be better off without me. I sit in the corner of his bathroom. I pull my legs to my chest. Everyone hates me. He is only doing this for pity. I start to shake, and start to hyperventilate. What am I still doing here. I hear a knock on the door.
"W-who is it?" I ask
"Its me Roman, are you okay?"
"Y-yeah I'm fine."
"Are you sure Virge?"
"Yeah just give me a minute."
I quickly clean myself up. And I am about to turn the door handle but then I see something.

Romans POV
Omg I hope he is okay. There is no way I like him. Right? Yeah. Even if I did, he wouldn't like me. I hear a boom come from the bathroom. Virgil is probably okay. Right. Yeah. No I should go check up on him. I knock on the bathroom door.
I hear him ask "W-who is it."
"Its me Roman, are you okay?" I ask knowing the answer
"Y-yeah I'm fine." He reply with. I know he isn't fine.
"Are you sure Virge?" Why did I just call him Virge.
"Yeah just give me a minute."
"Okay." I walk to the bedroom and go into the fort.

Virgils POV
What is that? I see a red and white shirt with yellow things on it. I don't pay to much attention to it. I walk into his room.
"Hey Roman."
"Hi Virgil. Are you sure your okay, because we can talk about it if you want."
"No I am fine. Thanks for asking."
"So what do you wanna do Virgil."
What do I wanna do. Umm...
"Idk What did you have in mind."
"Um... Wanna play monopoly."
I havent played what game in forever.

Many hours later.

"Ugh Roman, I have no more money."
"I won!" Roman yelled
I laugh at that. Roman laughs too. God he is so cute when he laughs.

Romans POV
"Ugh Roman, I have no more money." Virgil says sadly. Yes I won.
"I won." I yell
Virgil laughs at that, God he is so cute when he laughs. I laugh with him
"Omg Virgil I just had an amazing idea."
I take Virgils hand and move him in middle of my room. I get a chair and put it next to him. I grab my camera and set it where you could see us.
"What are you doing." He asked
"Look sad."
"Um okay,"
I grab some monopoly money and make my camera take a picture in 10 seconds. I stand on the chair and smile. I throw the money on top of Virgil. *flash*
"What's that fun."
"Yeah I guess." Virgil says.
"Is something on your mind?" Why won't he talk to me.
"No, hey you wanna go on a walk?"
"Its 3am."
"Yeah and."
I really want go on a walk with him should I?
"Okay fine."

Virgils POV
Yes I am so excited to go on this walk.
"I love taking walks at 3 am."
"Wait you have done this before?"
"Yeah I do it almost every night."
"How did your mom never hear you."
I freeze at that question.
"W-well um..."
"You didn't!" Roman says with shock
"Yes Roman, I always snuck out of the house."
"Please don't hat-"
I got cut off from Roman
"I have always wanted to sneak out but I was afraid my mom would find out!!!"

Romans POV
Omg is this not Mr. bad guy or what.
"Well then lets get on our way." Virgil says
Virgil opens my window.
"What do you think you are doing?" I ask him
"Well I thought we were going from your window."
"I am on the 2nd story." Is he trying to get me killed
"Fine we can go out of a door."
"Thank you."
"Long as I can go on my walk I will be happy." Virgil says as he closes my window.
I grab my house keys and phone and we quietly walk down the stairs and go outside.
"Omg this is so fun Virgil!"
"Shhh you don't wanna wake up your parents." Virgil whispers
Oh yeah, we walk a little farther from the house.
"So Virge."
"What's up."
"What do you like to do when you go on walks."
"I mostly just find a good place to lay down and listen to the wind. And look at stars."
"Is there anywhere you wanna go Roman?"
"Um, here I know a great place at the park."
"Okay lets go."
We walk to the park, lost in our own thoughts. His hand brushes against mind. I look at him. He doesn't look back at me. God he is do cute.

Virgils POV
We walk to the park, lost in our own thoughts. There is no way he likes me, I am just some emo. My hand brushes against him. Oh crap! I feel him look at me. I keep look ahead but when I know he looks away I look back at him. God he is so cute.

Romans POV
"We are here."
"Cool. Where did you wanna go?" He asks me
I smile at him and I grab his hand. I run to a hill. I go over the hill to the other side. We see a beautiful spot with no trees so we can look up at the stars right next to a pond.
"We are here Virge."
"Ro, this is amazing."
"I knew you would like it."
I smile at him. He smiles back.
"Roman, thank you."
"What did I do."
"You made my life wonderful."
"I did?"
"Roman, you are the only person that has ever cared about me."
"What about you parents?"
"My dad was an alcoholic and my mom was never home."
"I am so-"
"Don't be. It wasn't you fault."
"My parents both work a lot."
"Hey let's stop walking about our parents and lay on the grass and watch the stars." Virgil says
"Yeah lets."
We both lay down on the grass next to the pond.
"Are you really okay."
Virgil sits up.
"Yeah Roman, I am. Why do you ask."
"While you were in the bathroom I heard a boom. Which it kinda sounded like you hit your arm on the counter."
"No I just hit my head on the shelve that was in there."
"Oh I see."
It starts to rain.
"I'm cold Virgil."
Virgil cuddles up next to me.
"Thanks, Virge."
"Its no big deal Ro."
I put my arm around him. I feel him move his arm. Next thing I know he had grabs my hand and puts his fingers in between mine. I smile at him.
"Do you think we should get going?"
"Nah I wanna stay here for a few more minutes."
We sit in silence.
"Okay I think we could go now." Virgil says
He sits up. I do the same. He gets up before me and gives me his hand. I take it and I get up.
We walk back into our neighborhood. Virgil stops me in middle of a street. He looks into my eyes. I look into his beautiful brown eyes.
"Tonight was amazing."
"Yeah it was."
I lean down to kiss him. He meets me half way. I softly kiss him on the lips. He kisses me back. I put one arm in his hair and one around his waste. He puts his around my neck. Then a car pulls up. I tap Virgils shoulder to tell him we need to breathe and also a car pulled up.

Virgils POV
I stop Roman. I look up at him. He looks at me.
"Tonight was amazing." I say with a small smile.
"Yeah it was."
Roman leans down. I meet him half way. He kisses me with his soft lips. I kiss him back. He puts his arm on my waste and in my hair. He pulls me closer. I put my arms around his neck. I get lost in the moment. Then I feel him tap my shoulder. We both pull away. When I look up at him again while blushing I see he is looking to his left. I follow his eyes and realize there is a car in front of us.
I look back at him. Worried. The person turns off there car and steps out.

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