Chapter 26 - We need to talk

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Logan's POV
Patton and I are trying to go to sleep. But I can't. I just can't stop thinking about Virgil. I don't like him I swear. I love Patton. Right? I should try to go to sleep. Yeah.

10 minutes later

My phone goes off. I wonder who is it. I look at my phone it's Virgil.

Virgil: You still up?
Me: Yeah I can't sleep.
Virgil: Do you want to go on a walk?
Me: Sure.

I go outside with waking Patton up. I lock the door behind me. I turn around and I see Virgil at the Vending Machine.
"You want anything?" Virgil asks
I walk over to Virgil. I see his hands were shaking. He hands me my Coke.
"Thank you. So what about that walk?" I ask
"Let's go." He says as he opened his bottle of Coke.
"Is there anything on your mind?" He asks
"No not really. How about you?"
"No not really." He says as he messes with his hoodie strings. I know something is eating him up.
"Why did you really want to go on this walk?"
"For fun?" He says.
We keep walking in silence.
We end up at the park.
"Let's lay down for a bit." Virgil says.
We lay on the ground and look at the stars. I always found space and stars so interesting. Virgil cuddles up with me. After a few minutes I realize he feel asleep. I smile. He is so adorable when he sleeps. I keep looking at the stars. About 30 minutes later I feel Virgil start shaking. Then he started crying and say no. I try to wake him up.
He wakes up.
"Logan!" He says then hugs me.
"Virgil is everything okay?"
He whips the tears away then plays with his hoodie sleeves. I grab his arm and he flinches back. Oh no.
"Virgil. Everything is okay." I say
He says nothing he just sits there.
"Can I see?" I say.
He looks at me then back down at his arms. He puts his arms in front of me.
I pull his sleeves up. He cut his wrists.
"Virge. When did you do this?"
"About 10 minutes before I texted you."
I put my hand on his head.
"I am always here for you. Do you want to talk about it."
"Well. The real reason I wanted to go on this wake is because I thought if I feel asleep next to someone they would go away. But they didn't."
"What are you talking about." I ask
"The dream. It is scary. But this one is different. In this one-"
"Do you want to tell me?"
"I need to tell someone."
I nod
"In this dream Thomas and Remy got into a car crash. And Patton and Roman went to the hospital with them. But we had my mom's Funeral. You and I went. But Kelly and My dad were there. They said things like I was a sinner, go to hell, and die already. And then you took me to the hotel. Then when we got back. Roman and Patton were making out on the bed. And then I ran but you followed me. Then you said they didn't want us to find out like this. And you didn't really love Patton." Then he stops
"Virgil? Is that all that happened?"
"You said you really loved me. Then we kissed and then you almost got hit by a car. But I saved you but I would get hit instead."
I was shocked.
"It is all a dream."
"Logan. It was also real. I was so scared."
"Virgil it is okay now. I am here." I say as I hug him. The truth was, I think I loved Virgil not Patton.
"Thanks." Virgil says.
"Let's lay down. If you have that dream again I am always here. You don't have to cut yourself anymore."
Virgil and I lay back down. I turn on some music on my phone. It was Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, and some other music.

"They say we are what we are, But we don't have to be,I'm bad behavior but I do it in the best way." I sing

"I'll be the watcher (watcher) of the eternal flame,
I'll be the guard dog of all your favorite dreams." Virgil sings

"I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass, glass)
I try to picture me without you but I can't." I sing

"Cause we could be immortals, immortals" we sing together.

"Just not for long, for long,
And live with me forever now,
You pull the blackout curtains down." Virgil sings as he gets up. I get up too.

"Just not for long, for long,
We could be immor- immortals," I sing. We start to dance

"Immor- immortals," I sing

"Immor- immortals," Virgil sings

"Immor- immortals," I sing

"Sometimes the only pay off for having any faith," I sing

"Is when it's tested again and again everyday," Virgil sings

"I'm still comparing your past to my future," I sing

"It might be your wound but they're my sutures," Virgil sings

"I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass, glass)." I sing

"I try to picture me without you but I can't." We sing together. I pull him closer and put my forehead on his

"Cause we could be immortals, immortals." Virgil sings

"Just not for long, for long,
And live with me forever now," I sing

"You pull the blackout curtains down," Virgil sings

"Just not for long, for long,
We could be immor- immortals,
Immor- immortals," We sing together. I sing him and dip him.

"And live with me forever now,
And pull the blackout curtains down," We sing together

"We could be immortals, immortals" I sing
"Just not for long, for long," Virgil sings
"We could be immor- immortals,
Immor- immortals
Immor- immortals
Immor- immortals
(Immortals)" We sing together.

I kiss him as we stop singing. He kisses back. We kiss passionately. I pull him closer. We pull away.
"We shouldn't." Virgil says.
"I am sorry." I say as I step away from him.
"You are an amazing singer Logan."
"Thanks. You too."
"The kiss wasn't your fault. It was nice it's just Roman and Patton." Virgil says.
"I understand. Speaking of them should we get back."
"No. The sun is about to rise in like 30 minutes."
Virgil and I lay back down and watch the sky and listen to the birds.
"I love this." Virgil say
"Same." Logan says.
The sun starts to rise.
"Hey I have an idea Logan." Virgil says.
"What's up."
"Stand right here." Virgil says.
I stand how and where Virgil wants me to. Then I hear him take a couple of pictures. I turn around to see he had a his phone taking a picture.
"Okay do me." He says.
He stands in the same place and way. I take 3 pictures.
"Okay now um... Okay you are going to carry me." Virgil says.
He puts his phone where is will take a good picture. He has me carry him in and his phone takes a picture.
"These look great." He says as he looks at the pictures. They are the pictures where they person is all blacked out. I can't remember what they are call. I think to myself.
"Okay let's head back." Virgil says.
We head back to the hotel and go to our own rooms. I had a lot of fun tonight. I smile the I go to sleep.

Virgil and I are laying in a flower meadow. His head was on my chest. It was beautiful. I kissed Virgil on the top of his head.
"I love you Logan." He says
"I love you too Virgil. I always have." I say back. Then everything was amazing.

I wake up. It is 10:27am. Patton was still asleep. Get up and take a shower. When I get out Patton was up.
"What are you doing babe." I say
"I am making Pattoncakes and I was going to invite Roman, Virgil, Papa, and Dad to eat with us."
"That sounds amazing."
Everyone comes over and we eat. Afterward Roman and Patton were talking about what a Patton cake was. Thomas and Remy were talking about the best coffee was. And Virgil was by himself in the corner. I walk over to him. He smiles. I smile back.
"Did they go away?"
"Yeah. Thank you." Virgil says.
"What did I do?"
"You listened to me and you didn't judge. You just helped me."
"It was the least I could do."
"Well it meant a lot."
Everyone was talking about whatever and so were we. It was amazing.

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