Chapter 9 - Food

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T/W - Language,

Virgil's POV
I wake up in Romans arms. I smile. I cuddle closer to Roman. He is so warm. 
"Good afternoon."
"Oh hi Ro."
"Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, I didn't sleep much last night. You know after the thing."
"Oh I didn't sleep much also. Did you wanna talk about what happened at school?"
"Yeah lets get ice cream. And talk about it."
"Yeah lets do that."
"Oh Roman. What time is it?"
"It is 1:03pm, are you hungry?"
"No not really how about you?"
"Yeah I am very hungry."
"Did you want to go somewhere to eat instead of ice cream?"
"No if you-"
"Ro," I grab his hands "if you want to get a bite to eat we will. I don't need my ice cream."
"Okay." We head to a place to eat.
"Wanna go to DQ?" Roman asked
We get to DQ.
"Hello what can I get for you to eat?" The person asked
"Hi can I get, a bacon cheeseburger and a large Vanilla shake." Roman told the girl.
"What do you want Virgil?" He asked me
"Um may I get... A vanilla ice cream cone small, and um... A plain cheeseburger." I told the girl. Roman paid the girl and we got a seat outside.
"I hate ordering food." I told Roman
"You could have told me I would have orders for you."
"No it is okay." 
"Are you sure."
"Yeah, oh look here comes our food."
The girl gives us our food.
"Thank you." Roman tells her.
"You are so kind."
"I am not."
"You just told her thank you and Roman you are kind."
"Okay fine, thank you."
"No problem."
I eat my cheese burger really fast.
"Virgil. Are you sure your okay?
I take a bite of my ice cream.
"Yeah why?"
"You ate that really fast."
"Okay I lied I was hungry."
"If you want more food you can get more."
"Nah I don't want anymore."
I look down at my ice cream then back at Roman. I get closer to Roman.
I smile
"What are you smiling at?"
"This." I put icecream on my finger and put it on Roman's nose.
"Oh it is on."
Roman takes some of my icecream and puts it on my nose.
We both start laughing. I wipe my ice cream off my face. And Roman leaves his on.
"Are you going to wipe it off?" I ask
"Nope. I am not doing it."
I keep eating my ice cream. Roman finishes his burger and starts drinking his milk shake.
"Do you want me to take it off for you?" I ask as I wipe the ice cream off of his nose.
"Thank you."
I finish my ice cream.
"Here have some of my milk shake."
"No it is yours. Not mine."
"Fine." Roman puts his Milk shake down in front of me.
"It is yours."
"I know you want it."
"Hey um can I order something else?"
"Yeah sure." He gives me a 20.
"You want anything."
"I want you." Roman mumbles
"What did you say."
"Oh um, I said I want a box of star kisses."
I know he didn't say that. I grab a box of star kisses and put them on the counter.
"Um... can I also get a Large Vanilla Milkshake and um... I think that is it.
"Okay that will be $8.35."
I pay and get the star kisses and my shake. I walk out of the door.
"Okay let's go."
"Did you really just get the same thing as me."
"You are so adorable." Roman tells me.
"Can we just go back to your house."

Romans POV
He is so cute.
"Um yeah let's go."
We talk home. I really want to kiss him. But I don't think he would be okay with it. He is so adorable when he blushes. My hand touches his. I look at him. He look at me. Oh shit.
"No it is okay Ro."
Omg he called me Ro. Maybe I should hold his hand. No. I keep walking not realizing I was about to get ran over.
"Roman stop." I get tackled to the ground.
"Ro, are you okay."
I look up, Virgil is holding me.
"What happened."
"You didn't stop and look both ways."
"You saved me."
"I guess I did. It is the least I could do. Btw kiss."
I got confused what did he say.
"Your kiss."
I can't hear anything. Virgil leans down toward my face. I kiss him. He doesn't kiss back for a second. Then he kisses back.

Virgil's POV
I wonder what Roman is doing. Maybe he is walking farther out so he can see better. Oh shit he isn't stopping.
"Roman stop!" I yell
I run and tackle him and bring him to the side walk. Oh no the star kisses
"Ro, are you okay?"
"What happend?"
"You didn't stop and look both ways." I told him.
"You saved me." I guess I kinda did
"I guess I did. It was the least I could to. Btw I lost the star kiss."
He gives me a confused look.
"What?" He says
"Your star kiss."
I try to look closer to see if he hit his head on anything. Then he kisses me. I am confused why did he do this. I kiss him back.
"What was that for?" I ask
"For saving me?"
"Okay. Well the star kisses got ran over."
"Oh that is why you said."
"What did you think I said silly?" I ask
"Okay, well lets head back to your house."

Skip Time

We are at Roman house. We head upstairs and sit on Roman's bed.
"Um about last night." I say
"I am sorry for making you uncomfortable."
"No, I am sorry I ran away, I didn't want to talk about it. I thought you were would hate me."
"I could never be. But I am surprised you when you school today."
"I just wanted to show up and not have everyone think I was a wuss."
"What happened in the bathroom?"
"Oh that... Um. Logan came up to me I could tell he was going to say sorry. But something triggered my anxiety. I felt everyone's eyes on me. So Logan took me into the bathroom to try to help."
"I see."
"Wanna do something?"
"Like what?"
"I don't know. Wanna play this or that?"
"Um sure."


Hey this is the Author. I realize I never told you guys what the characters really look like or there age so here.


Height- 5ft 11 and a half. But he says 6 ft.
Age- 18
Eye Color- Brown
Hair Color- brown with red tips.
Birthday- August 28th
Daily Outfit- Red t-shirt with his Football Jersey. White jeans and gold Puma shoes.
Other- Strong looking.


Height- 5ft 7
Age- 17
Eye Color- Blue
Hair Color- Black with purple tips.
Birthday- April 1st.
Daily Outfit- Purple T-Shirt with a black hoodie and black ripped jeans. With cheap black shoes.
Other- The skinnies of them.


Height- 5 ft 8
Age- 17
Eye Color- Green
Hair Color-  Strawberry Blond
Birthday- January 15th
Daily Outfit- Light Blue polo with a gray cardigan around his waist. He has light blue vans.
Other- The weakest of the group. Also wears black glasses.


Height- 6 ft 3
Age- 18
Eye Color- Blue
Hair Color- Black
Birthday- July 25th
Daily Outfit- Black button down shirt with a dark blue flannel and blue jeans. He has dark blue Nike shoes and always wears a black watch.
Other- Skinny and strong. Also wears dark blue glasses.

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