Chapter 14 - Ice cream

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Romans POV
"Will you be my boyfriend?" Virgil asks. My eyes widen.
"Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend!" I yell from excitement. I kiss him. He kisses me back.
"I love you Virgil. I have since the day I first laid my eyes on you."
"I love you too." Virgil holds my head and puts my forehead on his. He starts to cry.
"Are you okay?" I ask as I wipe his tears away.
"I thought this day would never happen. I am so happy."
"Lets go get ice cream."
"Do you want to see if Logan and Patton want to come with?" Virgil asks
"Sure, I will text them."

Roman: do you and Logan want to go get ice cream with Virgil and I?
Patton: sure. We will be at the ice cream cart in 5.
Roman: okay see you soon

"They will be there in 5."
"Okay lets go."
We leave the house and Virgil locks the door. We head there. I get a bit cold.
"Oh Roman, do you want my hoodie?"
"Um, sure." Virgil takes his hoodie off and gives it to me. I put it on and smile. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers.
"Is it comfy?" Virgil asks
"Very. I see why you live in these all the time."
"Haha, yeah."
We get to the ice cream place and Patton and Logan are already there.
"Hey guys." Virgil says
"Hi kiddos." Patton says
"Lets get some ice cream." Logan says.
"Cookies and Cream?" I ask Virgil. He smiles
"You know me so well."
"May we get 1 cookies and cream?" I ask
"Can we also get 1 mint?" Patton says
We get our ice cream and walk to the park.
"So how is your ice cream?" Logan asks us
"Great, how about yours."
"It is amazing." Patton says as he kisses Logan on the lips.
I look to Virgil and I kiss him too.
"What was that for?"
"For being adorable." I tell Virgil.
We get to the park and sit down at a table.
"So guys, Patton and I, um" Logan says
"I knew it!" Virgil yells
"Haha, Virgil and I are too." I say as I put my arm around Virgil.
"Awww! Our first Double Date!"
"Yeah I guess so." Logan says.

Logan's POV
I am so happy for Virge and Roman. I am glad I have Patton. But I have this feeling that I messed up. I am okay. Nothing is wrong. I love Patton not Virgil. Yeah right. I feel Patton lay his head on my shoulder. I put my arm around him.
"Are you okay Logan?"
"Yeah I'm fine."

Virgils POV
Logan is acting weird. Maybe it is because Patton his here. He keeps looking at me. I continue eating my ice cream. Roman puts ice cream on my nose. We all start laughing.
"Roman I love you and all but." I put ice cream on his nose too.
"I love you too."
"Aww you guys are so cute together." Patton says with excitement
"And so are you and Logan." I say. Logan smiles at that.
"Hey, sorry to ruin this amazing time, but I think we should go back to our homes." Roman says
"Okay, bye guys talk to y'all later." Patton says
Romans gets up and picks me up Bridal Style.
"What are you-"
"I am carrying you home."
"Why, I can walk."
"Because I want you as close to me as possible."
I blush.
"Fine." I cuddle closer to Roman
"Your so adorable."
"No i am not, i am evil, and mean, and scary, and, and."
"Yeah you are."
"No I am not."
"If you dont agree with me I will put you down."
I stay silent. Roman puts me down.
"Fine. You aren't adorable."
I jump onto his back and hold onto his neck. He grabs my legs. He is now giving me a piggy back ride.
"I am adorable." I say smiling as I put my head on Romans Shoulder.
"Yes you are Virge."
We talk home talking and laughing. He puts me down to unlock the door.
"No don't put me down."
"Don't you wanna go inside?"
"A little longer Ro, please."
"Fine, give me the key."
I give him the key and we go inside. He takes me to my room and lays me on my bed.
I giggle
"What is so funny, love?"
"Nothing." I say
Roman is about to leave my room
"You can stay in here tonight if you want."
"Yeah." I say as I blush
I look at the time. It is 6:48pm.
"Do you want go help make dinner?" I ask
"Sure, what should we make?"
"That sounds amazing." Roman says as he kisses my nose.
We go to the kitchen and get everything we need for pasta.
"I will make the nood." Roman says
"Okay I will get the garlic bread ready."
We finish making dinner and we sit down to eat.
"This is amazing" I say
"Yeah, we make a great team."
"Yes we done." I say while smiling. Someone knocks on the door. I get up and open it.

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