Chapter 31 - I am not as think as you drunk I am.

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Virgils POV
"Hey Logan. Did you want to drive us to the party?" I ask
"Um why?"
"I don't know where I am going."
"Okay fine."
We get out and switch seats.
"You can drive right?" I ask
He safely drives us to the party.
"Are you sure you still want to go Logan? We can hang out at my place instead."
"Omg have you never been to a high school party?" He asks
"No my parents wouldn't let me."
"That's it. Get out of the car."
"What are you doing."
"We are going to party."
"I didn't know you were a party person Logan."
"I'm not. But I do go to almost every party just for the fun of it. But since you are here we are going to have a lot of fun."
"Um. Okay."
We both get out of the car and Logan takes my hand and takes me into the house. The house had Halloween decorations all over and people everywhere. Logan took me into the kitchen.
"There are so many people here." I say
"Just stay close to me and you will be fine."
"Hey come here." He says
I follow him. He gives me a cup.
"What is this."
"Beer." He say
"I am not drinking tonight."
"Fine. Be a loser." Logan says as he takes a drink of beer from a different cup.
" Fine." I say
I drink the beer. This wasn't the first time I had a beer. John and I would always drink. But after we broke up I promised myself I would never drink underage again. But here I am.
"Okay I am not drinking anymore. Because one of us has to drive home." I say
"I am going to get a brownie." I say
"Um okay." Logan says as he gets more beer.
I eat the brownie then after I finish it I realized I messed up. The brownie had weed in it. Well I am not getting drunk but I guess I will get high. I look for Logan and he was gone.
"Well great." I say
I go outside where I find people in the pool skinny dipping. Just great. I turn around and go back inside when I here someone call my name.
"Virgil come over here." I turn around to see it was Max. I keep walking into the house and I find the couch. Finally I can sit down. I sit on the couch but people where making out next to me and I felt way to uncomfortable. I had to find Logan. I push through people looking for him. Finally I found him. He was dance all my himself.
"Hey Logan." I say
"Hey Virge. Where have you been."
"I was looking for you."
"Come on lets dance." Logan says
"Fine." I say I could tell Logan was drunk.
"Your eyes are so beautiful." He says.
"Thanks." I couldn't help but blush.
"Logan how many drinks have you had."
"Only 2 why?"
"I was just wondering."
We keep dancing then Logan spun me around and he dipped me.
"What are you doing?" I ask
He pulls me back up and we keep dancing.  I look at the time it was 12:39.
"Hey it is past midnight. I think we should go back to my place."
"Come on Logan."
"But I don't want to I want to stay here."
I take his hand and start walking to the door then I see Roman and Patton walk in.
"You know Logan we can stay for a bit longer." I say
We keep dancing.
"Hey do you want to get something to drink with me?" I ask.
"Sure let's go."
I take his hand and we walk to the kitchen. I see some fruit punch. I grab a cup and get some. Logan found some shots.
"Virgil want to do some jello shots with me?" He asks
He gets 8 shots.
"Okay who ever finishes first gets to do something."
"Go." Logan says
I start drinking mine and I get on my 3rd one and he is done. I finish my 3rd.
"Okay what do you want Logan." I say
"I will tell you later."
I drink some of my fruit punch and Logan and I start to dance again. We have a lot of fun.
"I think I know what I want." He says
"Okay what do you want."
"I want to kiss you."
"Logan I think you are drunk."
"Virgil I won so you have to kiss me. And also I am not as think as you drunk I am." He says while he laughs
"Panic! At the Disco don't therraten me with a good time." I say then Logan kisses me. I get confused then I kiss him back. He puts his arms around my waist and pulls me in. I put my arms around his neck. We pull away at the same time. I look in his eyes and he looks into mine. I felt like I was safe and happy. And nothing could stop me.
"That was amazing." He says
"Yeah." I say
We stay like that for a bit then we finally stop. I look around. I see Roman was standing there watching us. Then when he seen me looking at him he kisses Patton. I don't care I am over him.
"Hey I am a little sleepy do you still want to go home?" Logan asks
He takes my hand and takes me to the door. He opens the door for me.
"Thank you." I say
"Lets go." Logan says
We get to the car and I drive us home.
"Hey do you want to order a pizza?" Logan asks
"Sure. Is Pizza Lovers still open."
"Yeah. They also deliver at all hours of the day."
"Okay. Can you call in?"
"Sure. What pizza do you want?"
"I don't care I will eat what you want."
"Patton never let me do that. We could only get cheese."
"Well Logan I am not Patton."
"I know. You are better than Patton." He says as he smiles.
"How about meet lovers." Logan says
"That is my favorite." I say
Logan orders the pizza.
"They should be here in 15 minutes." Logan says.
"Okay I am going to change my clothes." I say
I go into my room and I pull out a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. I put both on then I grab a blanket and put it around me I walk out of my bedroom and go to the living room.
"Wow you are a mood." Logan says
"When am I not." I say as I plop down on my couch. Logan sits down next to me.
"Did you want some of my blanket?" I ask
I put the blanket around us and cuddle closer to him.
*knock knock*
"I will get it." I say
I get the door. It is the pizza guy.
"Thanks." I say as I take the pizza and pay for it. I sit back down next to Logan and put the blanket back over me.
"This smells so good." I say
"Yeah. Lets dig in."
I open the pizza and I grab a slice. Logan does the same. I take a bite.
"This is great." I say
"I know right." Logan says
"Hey do you want to wake a movie?"
"Anything you want to watch?"
"Um. Children in the corn?"
I get my TV remote and go on Netflix. I play Children in the corn.
"Now Logan no saying this is stupid or fake."
We watch the movie and eat the pizza. When we get done with the pizza I put the box on the coffee table. I cuddle closer to Logan and watch the movie. He puts his arm around me. I smile. This is nice. I fall asleep on Logan.

Logan POV
Virgil is so cute when he is sleeping. I can't believe I kissed him it was a much better then when I kissed Patton though. I need to take it slow though. He might not be ready for another relationship and I don't want to pressure him into doing anything he doesn't want to do. I want him to be happy. Because I love him.

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