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Mina's PoV

First day of school I sigh it's still early in the morning I bet those two idiots are still sleeping. I picked up my phone and dialed Momo's number. After a couple of rings she finally picked it up and then heard a groan on the other line

"Hey! Get up raccoon I'm gonna go to school early today" I said

"why?" Momo said her voice still husky. I guess she just woke up

well Momo is my best friend for about 5 years now we met on a dance competition on Japan I'm always the champion, but she won that time so after the competition we hang out and got close, we thought each other some dancing technic and been with each other's sides

And Sana is a former classmate of mine back in Japan we were enemies back then I don't how I got along with that squirrel but we have a lot in common than I thought.

"Nothing I just can't sleep" I paused for a moment and then

"I'm not going to wait you to school so you better get ready fast, or if your going to be late I'm gonna beat your sorry ass in school" I threathen her and it work because I heard her gulped I smile

"bye momoring! " I hang up before she could answer back.

I dialed Sana's number after 2 rings she answered " hi babe good morning" I can feel her smirk through the phone

"why so early baby?" I said playing along

"nothing Im just thinking about you this morning and how you made me wet while thinking of you " she said teasing me

"ew" I said in disgust she just chuckled

"by the way where are you?" I questioned

"here at the train station why do you miss me already?" She said

"stop with the teasing and I hate you good bye" I said "haha I love you too bye!" She chuckled and hang up.

I apply my make up and went to school. Well my house is not far from school so I just walk to exercise. I saw Sana standing at the front gate I approach her and saw Chaeyoung, Son Chaeyoung she was well... somehow different she caught my attention while she was on the ring beating up all her opponents she always stand out on the crowd even though she's short I suddenly grinned

"ooh are you thinking about your crush?" Sana said teasing I glared at her

She laughed and her gaze landed to where I was looking "is it Son Chaeyoung?" She pointed

"HI GUYS!" Momo shouted remind me to say thank you to Momo thank god she just save me from that horrible girl's teasing

"hey" I smiled at her

"I didn't get breakfast because Mina threathen me" she replied of course it's Momo after all

"c'mon we'll get ice cream on the cafe nearby" Sana said Momo and I just nodded until a big hand slips around my hips and

"hi baby " Bam Bam then kissed my cheek

"what?" I said coldly.

Well Bam Bam is my boyfriend for years now I don't think he really loves me, he just loves my body I only accept his love because of my reputation my family forced me to be his boyfriend well his one of the hottest boys in school, my family is very sensitive of my reputation because I'm the only girl in my family except for my mother and aunts. I don't have freedom to what I do I felt trapped.

"Why so cold baby?" BamBam then pinch my cheeks

"I missed you" he continued and winked at me

"hmm yeah I miss you too" I said smiling

"see you later" he whispered seducing me I just smirked at him

"ahem" Momo said trying to get our attention right there are still their BamBam smiled at my friends then walked away.

"c'mon let's go" we got to the cafe and of course Sana being Sana was flirting at a hot waitress Sana whispered something at a waitress and the girl that Sana was flirting blushed, the snake then winked at her and order our Ice cream.

I'm enjoying my ice cream while Momo already finished hers and trying to get Sana's ice cream because she's still hungry I just watch them bickering with each other.

"But Momo that's mine!" "Well not anymore" Momo said as she tried to grab Sana's ice cream but failed as Sana quickly ate her ice cream I just laugh at them

"let's get going " we started heading back to school and the bell suddenly rang I started getting ready for the class but I saw Chaeyoung closing her locker and then she sighed but suddenly someone was approaching her I was about to attack that person but ...

"Bah!" I got the wrong Idea I thought that girl was going to attack Chaeyoung.

"Hey I'm going to the bathroom " Momo suddenly said

"I'll come with you " I said

"me too" Sana then replied we got to the bathroom and I retouched my make up while Sana was talking about that waitress at the cafe of how she will devour her momo came out of the bathroom cubicle and washed her hands she then go outside and we just followed her.

We enter the class and everyone went quite I got used to it. You know me we always sit at the back but it was all occupied I was scanning some seats and my gaze landed on hers,

Chaeyoung I stared at her I want her to get out of my sight but then I heard her whispered "no" cute so I decided to mess with her

"what?" I chuckled

"no I don't want to move my ass on this sit so you can go the fuck now" she said firmly oh she's tough I just rolled my eyes and smirk at her well then let's see what you got .

I leave them alone and found three seats for us but it was occupied I glare at them and they scurried away. We sat on our chair and the teacher came in to discuss the schedules.

It was lunch time I already finished my food with Momo and Sana.

"Hey, Mina you were assigned to show around new students to our school compound" Sana said to me

"Who assigned me?" I asked the older girl.

"Jihyo" both of them said in unison

I already finished Jihyo's assignment to me I then started heading to class but when I was going there I saw Nayeon leaning on Chaeyoung's shoulder. I felt my heart got stinged am I jealous of Nayeon? Why would I? I glanced at them again maybe I'm just tired.

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