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Chaeyoung's PoV

I decided to went home with Tzuyu first because I want to, and Dahyun said she has something to do with her "family". I haven't really met her parents though, I guess she's that secretive about her life.

"Hey, Tzu I'm going upstairs" I said to her, she just nodded her head while preparing dog food to Gucci. Should I contact my mom or even my brother? I really haven't saw or heard them since the school started. . .

I guess I should call them, to at least know what they're up too. God I'm such a bad daughter. I sighed and opened my bedroom door. I opened the lights on, put my bag on my bed, and find my phone to contact my brother.

A few rings can be heard on my phone as it vibrating on my hands, finally he picked up.

"Hello?" A deep man's voice can be heard in the other line, I felt my breath hitched for a moment, is that really him?

"B-bro?" I asked, silence took over my room as I wait for him to reply.

"Chae. . . It's been such a long time" My brother said to the other line, it really is him, I can tell he grown so much.

"Bro! Oh my god, how are you? How is mom doing? Are guys still okay? Do you want me to help you guys? If you do I will ju-"

"Woah Woah, jeez calm down, so far I am fine" My brother cutted my sentence, I sighed in relief, wait but he didn't mention anything about mom though.

"How about mom?" I asked him, it was silent again but this time something's just off. I waited for his voice to reply to me but nothing came out.

"Hoon?" I asked my brother, I heard him sob, wait something IS wrong. . .

"Mom. . . well she,. . .mom left us" He trailed off, wait so does that mean. . . She is dead? I'm confuse. . . I felt my eyes starting to produce water.

"What do you mean?" I asked him again, still not getting it.

"You heard me! She abondoned us Chae! She left us. . ." He's voice cracked, I felt my heart started to ache, she left us? She fucking left us, why would she do such thing. I felt warm water flowed into my face.

"Why would she do that?" I said to him and sobbed, I went to find a handkerchief to wipe my eyes.

"It's because. . . She was just using Dad, for his money and when she had enough of us. . . She just left me" my brother explained, I gritted my teeth and let my tears flowed.

That fucking slut, that gold fucking digger, how could she betray us like that? I thought she loves me. . I thought she LOVES us!? Now that she doesn't need us anymore, she just left us like that. This is all bullshit!

Why did she even bother save me from my hell of a father if it was all a pretend!? She made me believe that she truly loved me, I thought that was real love!? I guess I was wrong. I gripped my hands hard until it really hurts.

"Fuck. . ." I muttered under my breath, and went to wipe my face again but I saw my hand started bleeding, I just stared at it.

"So, what do you do for a living?" I asked him to change the subject, I heard him sigh.

"I work at a cafe just nearby, and I have two shifts and it's night and day" Jeonghoon said to the other line, I just nodded, while feeling bad.

"Let me guess, did Dad force you?" I asked again getting pissed if Dad did it.

"Um no, not exactly, I work to earn some extra cash, but sometimes Dad just steal it to buy beer and cigarettes." He said to me, he what!?

"And your not even gonna do something about it?" I said to him.

"No, I'm just. . . Scared sis, I don't want him to hurt me aga-" He did not finished his sentence, but I already knew everything.

"Fuck it, I'm tired of feeling guilty. . . I'm going there and take you away from him" I said to Jeonghoon.

"There is no need, I can take care of myself" I just shook my head at his reponse.

"No way, I am going to go there, take you away, go to here and find you a dorm to go to school with me" I explained to him of what my plan is.

"Please Chae, stop being so stubborn" He pleaded, I can't take this, I'm not gonna be guilty because I left him.

"I am going to be there on next Saturday, so start packing up" I just heard him sigh.

"Okay, but what about Dad?" He asked.

"Fuck that asshole, and don't worry I'm gonna take care of that jerk" I said to him, after I said that silence was taking over at us again.

"So what now?" My brother asked, I just bitterly chuckled at him.

"I don't know, but remember our little plan"

"I should go now, it's almost time for my shift" Jeonghoon said, I just nodded.

"Okay bye bro, I hope you'll stay safe, I'll see you" I said to him sadly.

"Yeah, you too sis, an I guess so" he replied back, and hang up. I put my phone down and stared at my scar again, and gulped.

What did I just do?

I heard footsteps going into my room, I quickly wiped my tears away, lied down and covered myself with the blanket.

I heard my door opened.

"Hey Chae?" Dahyun asked.

"Hmm?" I replied to her.

"I need you downstairs, I have something to tell you guys" Dahyun said to me.

"Yeah okay, I'll be down there in a bit" I said to her, I can feel that she nodded her head before retreating back downstairs.

I pushed my blanket away from me and started going to the bathroom to shower a bit. After I finished taking a quick shower, I then put my comfortable clothes on, which is an oversized T shirt and sweatpants.

I then go outside of my room and head to the living room, where they were waiting for me, I sat down beside Tzuyu and looked at Dahyun, waiting for whatever she would tell us.

"Okay so now we are all he-"

"Just get straight to the point" Tzuyu cutted her sentence earning a glare from the older girl, I just chuckled at them, Dahyun then sighed deeply before replying. . .

"I'm getting married"

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