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Mina's PoV

I don't know anymore...I don't know why I wanted to get close to Chaeyoung, it's like my heart is telling me to, but my mind says the opposite. I groaned and I have to make an excuse when I come home as to why I'm late at night.

People started to notice our relationship between me and Bambam, we haven't really talk to eachother after he came out. I guess he's just minding his own business, with his lover...I luaghed at the thought.

I mean he cheated on me with another man, but I was somehow calm or even happy? I can't lie any more, I have to announce to the school that we officially broken up, I don't want any pressure on my back, by pretending that isn't me.

I have to inform Bambam about tomorrow, of what's my plan for the announcement. I was getting nearer to my house, I honked my car as soon as I get infront of the gate, the gate opened and I parked my car inside with my other cars.

I was tired already, I don't want to talk I just want to sleep. I slapped myself and continue to go to my room, which is upstairs, I wish I have an elevator in my house. I smiled at the idea, maybe someday I will.

"Ms. Myoui, why are you late?" My head maid asked firmly.

"I can't right now, Im sleepy today." I said with a bored tone, my head maid sighed.

"Are you at a party again?" She questioned, um no I have to take my 'friend' to her dorm, and take care of her. I'll leave the details alone of what exactly happened to the car.

"Yes, but luckily I didn't get drunk" I lied at her, and lazily made my way to the stairs. I can feel her gaze following me as I walk, I shivered sometimes she's a total creep but she's caring at the same time.

She took care of me since I was very young and supported me all the way through when my own goddamn parents can't.

My parents are narcissists, they are a fucking hypocrites. Instead of loving me, they just cared about my image, no their image of a perfect family with a perfect life, perfect house, and especially a perfect daughter, because of this I am slowly becoming like them a narcissist themselves. But someone changed me..

I slowly made my way to my bed, and crashed myself into my soft pillows and cold sheets. I rest for a while staring at the ceiling, thinking of what might my other life is.. or past lives.

I just wanted a simple life, but I guess I can't have that. I wanted to be independent, so I could take care of myself, but I can't have that too so I grew up being dependent with my parents. I am rich, but I can't have simple things like that, without my parents permission.

I can't even love a person I want, they choose the perfect boy in our town to fuck with me, I have such great parents right?? I bitterly thought. I stand up, go to the bathroom and took a quick shower, and went to sleep. What a long night indeed.

Dahyun's PoV

We got out of the Hirai's company, and went to my Father's House, and we agreed that we will have a family dinner. Well my father has build a house for me with my friends secretly, but I don't want to, I want to live in a simple life, and keep my family richness a secret.

My father turned that house into a boarding house for students who live far away, and I still call it my father's house though. We went into a fancy restaurant, and I was still wearing my uniform.

People were staring at me weirdly, but I didn't mind though. We went into a dining table with three seats available, we sat down and ordered our food that we like. Dad was seating infront of me and an empty chair beside him.

Usually when we eat together like a family, we always have an extra chair that no one will seat, because we pretend that mother is still there seating with us, eating peacefully together as a family.

I look at the empty chair, my heart ached at the seat beside dad. My eyes sparkled with tears threatening to come out, my dad noticed it, and looked to where I was looking, he looked at me again.

"I miss her too, my doll" my dad said giving me a sad smile. I wiped my tears and inhaled deeply to calm down.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make things sadder" I smiled at my dad, he just chuckled.

"No, it's good that your open about your feelings" he assured me, I just nodded.

"Here's you order sir and ma'am" the waiter put down our plate.

"Thank you" I said to the waiter, he smiled.

"It's a pleasure ma'am" He said and went to another table. Before I knew it I was already driving home. I opened the door, expecting them to be asleep, but the lights is still on, did they leave the lights on? I was about to turn it off but.

"Dahyun, your home" Tzuyu said while yawning, I raised a brow.

"Why are you still awake?" I asked her, she pointed Chaeyoung's door.

"Chaeyoung came home drunk. . . again" She explained, while rubbing her eyes to stay awake.

"Can you take care of her for a bit?" She continued, I just nodded I place my bag on the couch and head to the stairs.

"Oh and why are you late?" She asked.

"I have a family dinner with my father." I said to her and went my way to Chaeyoung's room.

"Oh, ok" Tzuyu said and went into her room

"Chaeyoung, you know you can't handle alcohol very well right" I heard her groan and nodded, I saw a soup that's not finished.

"Finish, your soup and then shower, I don't want you to stink when you wake up." I said to her.

"Don't worry, Mina already wiped my body with a wet towel" she said nothenless, wait...Mina did what now?

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