Chapter 2

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Night falls, so I find myself a small pile of hay in a barn and fall asleep in it. I don't have a permanent residence, it's too dangerous.

When I wake up, I rub my eyes and look around the barn. It's dark still, except for one lit lantern in the corner.

"I should go see if Leo has anything for me today," I mumble to myself. I find myself doing this often, probably because I don't have anyone else to talk to.

I pull my hood up and run down the streets to Leonardo da Vinci's shop. I walk in and he looks up from his work table.

"Ciao la mia signora!" he says, a grin on his face.

"Ciao Leo. Do you have anything new for me?" I ask, looking at the drawings on his table.

"Si! I'll get it for you," he says. He walks up to his shelf and pulls a jar down from it.

"This is poison for your hidden blades. I developed it yesterday."

"È buono, Leo. This will help me a lot," I say, taking the poison from him.

"Now, it only works if it gets inside of you. You can touch it, but I wouldn't recommend it," Leonardo says.

"Alright. I'll see you later," I say. I'm about to walk out when Leo stops me.

"Desiree, Roberto is still on your trail. Please be careful."

"Lo, amico. He won't get me," I say. Leo nods and I leave the shop and walk into the streets.

A/N: Very short chapter because I have stuff planned for the next one.


Ciao la mia signora: Hello my lady

Ciao: Hello

Si: Yes

È buono: This is good

Lo, amico: I will, friend

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