Chapter 15

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Desiree's POV
We reach the spot where I first left Bello and quickly untie him.
"Run back to Venezia, amico. Find Leonardo," I whisper. He whinnies softly and takes off, his hooves clicking against the stone streets.
"Did you just tell a horse to find Leonardo da Vinci?" Rosalia asks. I smile softly.
"I raised him since he was a colt. He understands my words," I say. The other assassins grin, but I do not believe that they quite understand.
"Where are we sleeping tonight?" Karma asks, changing the subject.
"On the rooftops. It's the safest place," I say quickly.
"Agreed," Ella says.
We climb to the roof and start a camp fire of sorts. It will not burn the house we're on, so there isn't anything to worry about.
"Sleep. I will watch," Alessia insists, but I wave her off.
"I am alright, mia signora. I will take the first watch."
Alessia nods and reluctantly lies down beside the fire. She closes her eyes and is asleep in no time.
The moon rises high in the sky, it's reflection bouncing off the Italian waters. The ripples from the wind distort it, but I can still tell what it is. The stars are scattered around the black blanket of night, and I sigh. I love this time.
As I sit there on the roof, I see people with torches and weapons walking down the street. They're yelling and the people of Siena are peering out of their windows tiredly.
Then I see him. Roberto Muncina, right at the front of the pack.
My fellow assassins have woken up by this point, and they see the man I'm looking at.
"Desiree, don't try anything," Karma warns. I look at her, then back at Roberto.
"Do you see how easy it would be to end him?" I ask.
"Do you see how many people would kill you if you killed him?" Karma snaps back.
I sigh and Ella nudges my arm.
"What are they saying?" she asks.
I listen closely, and I finally hear what they're yelling.
"Uccidete gli assassini! Uccidete gli assassini!" they yell. My eyes widen, and Rosalia and I look at each other in horror.

"They're saying, 'kill the assassins.' Run," I hiss. They stare at me, shock written on their faces and I sigh in frustration.


We sprint along the rooftops as quietly as possible as Roberto and his men continue to march and yell.

"Where are we going?" Karma asks. I honestly don't know, but apparently Alessia and Ella know.

"We're sailing away. First, we go to Syria and get Altaïr. Then, we go and find our friends," Ella says as we run.

"Who are your friends?" Rosalia asks.

"Their names are Connor and Edward," Alessia says.

A/N: I KNOW ALL THE ASSASSINS ARE IN ONE BOOK!! I don't want any hate for this, because whenever I write Assassins Creed fanfics, I love all the assassins so much that I want them all in one book. Don't judge me.

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