Chapter 21

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Desiree's POV

I introduce everyone to Ezio, and he grins.

"You have gathered quite the group, haven't you, Desiree?"

"Yes... together, we'll take down Roberto," I reply.

We're sitting in the living room of Leonardo's studio. He's in his bedroom, and the doctor is tending to his wound.

"When do we go to find Roberto?" Edward asks.

"As soon as I know that Leo is alright," I reply. Our eyes lock, and my heart flutters for a moment.

"Alright, who wants to go with me to the bar?" Connor asks. All the guys nod and grin, while all the girls look at each other.

"I kind of want to run across the rooftops. It's really nice at night," Ella says.

"I agree. Let's go!" Rosalia says.

"Ok, so we'll be at the nearest bar if you need us," Ezio says, squeezing my shoulder lightly before walking out with Arno, Altaïr, Edward, and Connor.

"We need to talk," Karma says.

We walk outside and climb to the roof of Leo's studio. As we sit there, Rosalia sighs.

"I think I'm in love."

"You know, I was feeling the same way," Alessia says.

"Alright, who do we all like?" Karma asks.

We all look at each other, and Rosalia takes a deep breath.


"I like Connor," Alessia says.

"I like Arno," Karma says.

"I like Edward," I say.

"I like Altaïr," Ella says. Karma glares at her and she holds her hands up in defence.

"I can't help it if I think he's cute!"

"If you hurt my brother in any way, I will personally kill you," Karma says.

"Good to know," Ella replies.

"You like Edward?" Rosalia asks, turning to me. I nod, and I feel my face turning red.

Altaïr's POV

I walk into the bar with the rest of the guys, and we all sit down at the bar.

"Those girls are pretty cute," Arno says after we order our drinks.

"I know..." Connor says, taking a sip of his beer.

"I kind of like Karma," Arno says quietly. I hear him and my head snaps in his direction.

"If you do anything to her..." I growl.

"I won't. Promise."

"I like Alessia," Connor says.

"I like Ella," Altaïr says.

"I like Desiree," Edward says.

Ezio looks at Edward and sighs, their eyes locked.

"If you do anything that hurts my little girl, I will murder you," Ezio growls.

"I will not hurt Desiree. I swear on the soul of Davy Jone's that I won't," Edward replies.

A/N: Yep, those are the couples. Now you know.

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