Chapter 17

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Desiree's POV
"Land ho!" I hear a voice call. I look up from where I'm peeling an orange on the ship deck and see the man in the crow's nest pointing ahead.

I stand up and walk over to where Ella is driving the ship.

"Is that Syria?" I ask. She nods and smiles.


"Finally, I get to see Altaïr again!" Karma cheers.

"I assume you missed your brother," Rosalia says.

"Of course I did. Who wouldn't?" Karma asks.

Alessia, Karma, Rosalia, Ella and I stand on the bow of the ship and watch as the land comes closer and closer.

When the ship reaches the shore, Ella and Alessia leave the boat to their crew and we take of running after Karma, who knows this place like the back of her hand.

"Masyaf is close!" she says as she runs.

"Masyaf?" I ask.

"That's where Altaïr is!"

We continue running, and we eventually see a town coming into view.

"We're close!" Karma says excitedly.

We run through the town and reach a huge building, filled with training assassins. We walk up a pathway and enter through the doors.

"Where is Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad?" she asks a young assassin. He points and she thanks him before motioning us to follow her.

"Over here," she says. Karma pushes open a door and we see Altaïr and a man with one arm. (:D)

"Karma!" Altaïr exclaims. He walks over to her and hugs her. She hugs back, and then the one armed man gives her an awkward hug.

"Friends, this is Malik Al-Syaf and my brother, Altaïr," Karma says.

"Hello," I say.

"Who are these?" Malik asks. He's the one with one arm.

"This is Desiree Miglia, Rosalia Trevisano, Alessia Machiavelli and Ella Francesca," Karma says. We each nod in order and cross our chests with one arm, a sign of respect.

"Very nice meeting you. Now Karma, why are you back in Syria?" Altaïr asks, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"We need you to help us fight a templar," Karma replies.

"One templar?" Altaïr asks.

"One very powerful templar. His name is Roberto Muncina. You've probably heard of him," I say. Altaïr looks at me and nods.

"Yes, Roberto has sent men into Syria to kill assassins like us. Most of us survive, but there are a few that don't make it," Altaïr says, a grim look on his face.

"So, what do you propose we do?" Malik asks.

"We need you to come with us to Italy. We need as many skilled assassins as we can get," Ella says.

"Who else do you have with you?" Altaïr asks.

"Ezio Auditore de Firenze, and we are going to attempt to recruit Edward and Connor Kenway," Alessia says.

"That is good. That Haythem Kenway fellow is no good," Altaïr says, bitterness in his voice.

"Agreed. Will you come with us?" Karma asks.

"I need to take care of the Order here..." he begins.

"Pleeeaaassseeee Altaïr?" Karma pleads. Altaïr sighs and looks down at her before grinning.

"I think Malik can take care of things while I'm gone."

Malik nods and gives Altaïr a small two fingered salute. Altaïr stands up straight and puts his hand on his sister's shoulder.

"Alright, where's the ship?"


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