Chapter 25

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---Third Person POV---

Desiree leads the squad of assassins towards the tents.

"Split up, everyone," Karma says.

Desiree goes with Edward, Alessia with Connor, Karma with Arno, Ella with Altaïr, and Ezio with Rosalia.

"Roberto Muncina's tent is the biggest one, and it's at the very back of the camp," Desiree says.

"Alright. Be careful, and keep your blade from the flesh of innocents," Altaïr says.

The groups disperse, all taking different directions. Desiree and Edward take down templars that come at them with weapons while Karma and Arno sneak around the camp, taking out guards.

Ezio dodges an arrow, and Rosalia takes down the guy who shot it. Ella gets a slash from a sword on her arm, and Altaïr quickly bandages it, stopping the bleeding. Alessia and Connor shoot down templars, Alessia with her gun and Connor with a bow.

The groups meet behind Roberto's tent, all of them panting.

"Are you alright, Ella?" Edward asks. She nods, and holds her arm right below the bloodied bandage.

"Is anyone else hurt?" Ezio asks. Besides Ella, and Arno who got a small cut right above his left eyebrow, everyone was alright.

Desiree's POV

"We're going to let you kill him, but we'll be there for backup," Edward whispers to me. I nod and grin. He returns the smile and I sneak into the tent, followed by the other nine assassins.

A guard stands inside, and I quickly stab him. There's a small add-on in the back, and I'm guessing that's where Roberto is.

"So, Miglia. You finally decided to show up," I hear a voice say from the back. I grimace and grip my weapon tighter.

"Show yourself, Muncina. Come meet your end."

He laughs and steps out of the add-on. He looks a bit shocked by the sheer number of assassins in his tent for a second, but the moment passes.

"Desiree, did you think I was clueless to the fact that you were here?" he asks.

"I knew you would figure something out, Muncina," I say. "Do you know why I'm here?"

"Of course! I killed your family and burnt your house down!" Muncina laughs evilly. I growl and lunge at him, but Roberto shoves me backwards before my blades can meet his throat.

"It seems, Miglia, that I missed a member of your family," Roberto cackles. As he says this, Ezio grunts and begins to fall, but Arno and Connor catch him.

"No!" I scream, as I see the blood on his robes.

"You'd better save him, Miglia. You wouldn't want him to die as well, would you?" Muncina says.

Hot tears well in my eyes, and I unsheathe my hidden blades. I run at him, but he grabs a sword and blocks my blades.

"Desiree, let's go!" Altaïr yells.

"Take him! I'm going to finish this once and for all!" I yell back, tears flowing down my face.

Altaïr ushers everyone out of the tent and kills the man that stabbed Ezio.

But Edward doesn't leave.

"Go, Edward! I can't risk losing you," I say as I fight.

Roberto chuckles and swings his sword, which I narrowly avoid.

"Aww, does someone have a crush? To bad it won't last long."

"What do you mean, bastardo?" I snarl, grabbing my sword.

"Well, you're going to die, of course! And I'll let Edward here watch," Roberto says as our swords clash.

"Sorry, but it isn't Desiree's time to go!" Edward yells as he shoves Muncina aside. I hadn't noticed him sneak around, but I was glad he did.

I stab Roberto in the chest, and he grunts in pain before collapsing.

"No! How did she win?!" Roberto asks, his breathing labored.

"Roberto, I was never going to let you win. I had help, which is one thing you didn't have. Requiescat in pace, bastardo," I say, closing his eyes.

His breathing stops, and I hug Edward.

"Thank you," I whisper, tears wetting my face once again.

"No problem," Edward whispers back.

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