Chapter 12

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Karma's POV

"She can't have gotten that far!" Rosalia groans as we run along the rooftops.

"I know! We need to find her soon," Alessia says.

I frown when I think about when we sat on the dock. She seemed so carefree, but maybe I didn't see her entire self.

"We need to rest soon. Night has almost arrived," Ella says.

"Agreed. Let's sleep here. We have our night packs with us," I say. The girls agree and we sit on the roof, staring at the stars.

I close my eyes and sigh.

Desiree, please don't do anything stupid.

Desiree's POV

I stroke my horse's neck and smile. This is the freedom I fell in love with when I first became an assassin. Ezio trained me, taught me the ways of the Brotherhood. I owe him everything.

I look at my reflection in a glass window. My blonde hair is in a braid so it doesn't get in the way when I fight and my blue eyes shine with the same determination as they did when I was a new assassin to the brotherhood.

I lead my horse to the building where I'm staying and tie him up.

"I will see you in the morning, Bello," I whisper to my horse before walking inside to my bedroom and falling asleep.

I wake in the morning and jump on Bello's back. Together, we gallop towards Siena.

I'm coming, Roberto.

A/N: Sorry that was short. I'm babysitting and I'm kind of tired. I also have stuff planned for the next chapter.


Bello: Beautiful

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