Chapter 11

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Karma's POV

I wake up in the morning and immediately run to Alessia and Ella's ship with Rosalia.

"We are meeting Desiree at Leonardo's shop. Hurry up!" I call. Alessia and Ella come out of their ship and together, we walk to Leonardo's.

When we arrive, I see Leonardo sitting at his table with a cup of tea in his hands, but no Desiree.

"Leo, where's Dez?" Rosalia asks, sitting down at the table. The rest of us join him and he looks up at us.

"Um... She met me this morning... and she said that she's going to kill Roberto Muncina on her own," Leo says quietly.

"What?! How can she do that? She's going to get herself killed!" I exclaim.

"Karma, I tried to tell her that it was a bad idea, but she didn't listen!" Leonardo explains, his voice pained.

"We have to go after her. Can you come with us, Leo?" Ella asks. He shakes his head.

"I have to leave Venezia until Muncina is dead. If you need me, I'll be staying in Florence for a while."

"Alright," I say. "Girls, we're going after Desiree."

Desiree's POV

My horse trots steadily along the dirt road. I'm outside Venezia, riding alongside some of the small villages that lead to Siena. That's where Muncina is, so that's where I'm going.

I ride until the sun begins to set over the horizon. I tie my horse to a pole and fall asleep in a pile of hay in someone's barn.

I wake up at the crack of dawn and check the saddlebags on my horse. They still contain a bit of money, a casual dress for disguise and an extra weapon.

I jump onto the horse and gallop down the road, dust floating into the air and dispersing in the air. Siena is still pretty far away, but I can get there soon enough at this rate.

As I ride, I see a carriage driving past with a person sitting on the seat up front. They're waving me over, so I stop and approach them on my horse.

"Come posso aiutarla?" I ask.

"I know it's a bit of a long shot, but do you know where I can find Leonardo Da Vinci?" the person asks, her accent French. It is a girl after all! I couldn't tell from underneath her hood. I smile a bit, thinking about how she doesn't know what I just said.

"I can. I know him very well. His shop is in Venice, but I believe he's heading out to Florence today. You can meet him somewhere on the road," I say.

"Merci. My name is Madeleine LaFleur."

"Desiree Miglia. I hope to see you again."

She waves and continues on her way, and I smile.

Hopefully, she finds him.



Come posso aiutarla?: How can I help you?

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