Chapter 19

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Desiree's POV

"Land ho! England, right ahead!"

I look up at the crow's nest, where a crew member calls down to Alessia and Ella.

Alessia gives the wheel to a different crew member and walks to the bow of the ship with Ella. I follow behind with Karma, Rosalia, and Altaïr.

"There it is! Our home," Ella says. "This is where we'll find Edward and hopefully Connor, if he hasn't gone back to America already."

"Excellent!" Karma replies.

We watch the shoreline get closer and closer. We finally reach England and get off the ship.

"This way. We'll most likely find Edward in the pub," Alessia says, grinning slightly.

The rest of us assassins follow Ella and Alessia down the stone streets of England. After about five minutes we reach the pub.

"Here we are. Follow my lead," Ella says.

We walk in and Ella and Alessia both scan the crowds.

"There they are!" Alessia says, pointing to a blonde assassin in a hood. He's standing beside a Native American assassin in a ponytail that goes down the middle of his head. His hood is down and resting on his back.

"Connor! Edward!" she calls. They look up and grin when they see us.

"Ella! Alessia!" the blonde one says. The two male assassins walk over to our group and look us over.

"Altaïr, what are you doing in England?" the blonde asks.

"I'm with them, Edward," Altaïr responds.

"I assume you know each other," Karma says. Altaïr grins.

"Yes, we met a couple of years ago."

"Anyway, Connor and Edward, I would like for you two to meet our group," Ella says. "Ladies, introduce yourselves."

"Desiree Miglia," I say. Edward grins at me, and I blush before looking down at the floor.

"Karma Ibn-la'Ahad," Karma says. "Altaïr is my brother."

"Rosalia Trevisano."

"My name is Connor Kenway, and this is Edward Kenway," says the Native American assassin.

"We came here to ask you to come back to Italy with us," Ella says.

"Why?" Edward asks.

"We need help taking out the leader of a templar army, Roberto Muncina. Have you heard of him?" I ask. Edward looks at me and nods.

"Yes, I have heard of him. He has sent troops into England."

"We need help disposing of him."

"Connor? You in?" Edward asks. Connor nods.

"Yes! Let's go!"

We leave the pub and start walking back to the ship. As we walk, I hear footsteps.

"Everyone be silent! I hear footsteps!" I say. They all stop walking, and the footsteps stop.

"Desiree-" Karma begins, but I shush her.

"Someone is following us."

I step away from the group and climb to the top of the nearest building. When I reach the top, a hidden blade greets my throat.

"You have good hearing," the stranger says.

I look at the person with the hidden blade to my throat and smile slightly.

"It's a talent."

The blade is brought back to its sheathe, and I take a deep breath.

"What is your name?" he asks.

"Desiree Miglia. What is yours?"

"Arno Dorian. May I talk with your group? I am familiar with one of them," he says.

"Be my guest, but only if you promise not to hurt them," I say. He nods and smiles.

"Of course not."

He leaps down from the roof, and I follow close on his tail. He approaches the group, and Edward grins.

"Arno! What are you doing in England?" he asks.

"I was on an assassination mission when I saw your group. There are a lot of assassins here, and I would like to join you," he says.

"That would be great!" Edward replies, clapping his hand on Arno's back.

"Let us get to the ship and discuss some things," Altaïr says. "And do some introductions."

"Good idea," Rosalia says.

We all go to the ship and board it. When we are all on deck, we sit down while the crew members start the ship towards Italy.

A/N: Yes, I added Arno in. Yay! :)

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