Chapter 28

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General POV

In the next year following the departure of the assassins from Italy, a lot happened.

Connor taught Alessia how to shoot a bow, Malik and Rosalia became a couple, and Karma and Altaïr showed Arno and Ella Masyaf, and the land surrounding the bureau. Edward and Desiree remained in Italy, where they continued killing templars and running across rooftops.

After a year passed, it was time for the annual assassin meeting, but this time, it was held in Syria.

Altaïr's POV

"I can see the ships coming!" I call.

We all run to the docks and wait excitedly for the ship. When it does, Desiree, Edward, and Ezio step out.

Desiree hugs Karma first, then Rosalia. She hugs me, Arno, and Malik as well.

"Good to see you, Altaïr, Arno," Edward says, shaking my hand and giving me a slap on the back (basically a brohug)

He does the same to Arno, and then shakes Malik's hand.

"You must be Malik," he says. Malik nods.

Once everyone is done exchanging hugs, we stand on the dock and wait for Connor and Alessia's ship. It doesn't take long for them to arrive, and once it does, more hugs and laughter are exchanged.

"Well, shall we go into the Bureau?" I ask.

"Definitely!" Ezio says.

Desiree's POV

"When does the meeting begin?" I ask.

"A couple of hours. You have time to relax," Karma replies.

"It's so good to see you again," I say, hugging her again.

"I know!" she says, hugging back. "How is Madeleine and Leonardo?"

"They are doing well. They are getting married soon!"

"That's wonderful!"

We both grin and begin walking towards the bureau.

"Desiree! Karma!" we hear. We turn and see Edward and Arno motioning to us.

"What do you need?" Karma asks.

"I need my girl and Edward needs his," Arno replies. He's grinning like an idiot, and Karma and I both start giggling.

"Fine, you have your wish," I say.

"Perfect!" Edward says. He walks over to me and takes my hand. "I want to show you something."

I wave goodbye to Karma and follow Edward through a small courtyard and into a garden filled with flowers and trees. It's beautiful, and it takes my breath away.

"This is amazing," I whisper.

Edward nods and takes both of my hands. We look into each other's eyes, and he reaches into his pocket.

"Desiree, I've known you for a long time, and we've gone through a lot together. But a lot is not enough for me. No, I want to spend the rest of this life and the next with you," he says.

He pulls his hand out of his pocket, and in it, he holds a ring. My hands fly to my mouth, and tears form in my eyes.

"Desiree, will you marry me?"

I nod and kiss him, my arms around him.

This is the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

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