Chapter 26

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Edward's POV

Desiree and I run out of Roberto's tent and meet the others outside of the camp.

"Finally! Is Muncina dead?" Karma asks when she sees us. The other assassins are busy tending to Ezio, and Desiree nods quickly.

"Yes, he is dead. Now may I see Ezio?"

Karma nods, and Desiree runs to Ezio's side.

"Ezio, are you alright?" she asks. He moans and opens his eyes slowly.

"Desiree, you're alive," he mumbles. She nods, tears falling down her face.

"Do not worry about me, worry about yourself!"

"I will be fine, Des."

Desiree hugs him and sobs. Seeing her cry makes my heart break, but I don't show it.

"Well, what now? Do we all go home?" Alessia asks in a whisper.

We all look at each other, not saying a word. We hadn't really thought about what we were going to do...

"I think I'm going to go to Syria..." Rosalia says.

"Why?" Karma asks.

"Um, well, I guess I should just tell you. I want to be with Malik," Rosalia mutters. Altaïr smirks, and Karma elbows him.

"I think I'm going to Syria as well," Arno says.

"Why would you go to Syria?" Karma asks.

Arno grins and takes Karma's hand.

"Now do you know?"

Karma blushes and nods. Altaïr glares at him, and he grins.

Ella takes a deep breath and looks at Altaïr.

"I'm going to Syria with you."

Altaïr smiles widely and takes her hand.

"I'm going to England," Connor says. Alessia looks over at him, and he nods.

"So, I'm the only one staying in Italy except for Ezio?" Desiree asks. I shake my head.

"No, I'm staying."

"What do you mean? Aren't you going back to England?" she asks. I chuckle and put my hand on her shoulder.

"And be separated from you? Not a chance."

---time skip---

"Leo! Leonardo!" Desiree calls.

We've arrived back at Leonardo's workshop. Ezio can't walk because of his wound, but at least he's alive.

The artist opens the door and smiles when he sees us, but it falls when he sees Ezio.

"What happened?"

"We went into Muncina's tent to fight him, and someone stabbed Ezio from outside," Altaïr says.

"Hurry and bring him inside," Leonardo says.

He doesn't walk very fast because of his wound, but he still manages to reach his work table.

"Leonardo? Are you out of bed?" I hear Madeleine ask from the living room.

"I'll be fine, Madeleine," Leonardo replies. She walks into the room and sees Ezio.

"Call a doctor and go back to bed!"

Leonardo groans and walks back to his room, and Madeleine turns to us.

"Arno, can you please run down the street and get the doctor?"

Arno nods and leaves the house. Maddy grins and claps her hands together.

"So, how did it go?"

That last part was kind of boring. Sorry about that.
Also, thank you all so much for 1K reads!!! That's so awesome and I honestly couldn't have done it without the support of all of my fabulous fans out there. You guys make me so happy and I love you all!
A couple of updates as well:
There will probably be quite a few chapters put out during the holidays because I have so much free time, and because I'm sick. (Very Sarcastic Yay)!

And Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, ect!
And a Happy New Year!

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