Chapter 9

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Rosalia, Karma and I arrive in Venice a day after leaving Florence. We meet Alessia and Ella at the docks.

"I have to take you guys to meet my friend," I say.

"Let's go!" Alessia says.

Together, we walk to Leonardo's shop and I knock gently on the door. Leonardo opens it and hugs me tightly when he sees me.

"Thank goodness you're okay, Desiree," he says.

"What do you mean, Leo?" I ask, returning the hug. "Was I in danger?"

"Muncina made a visit to my shop and threatened to kill me if I didn't give him your location..." he says, his face pale.

Now I'm worried.

"What did you tell him, Leo?" I ask, my voice shaking.

"I told him you were in Siena," Leonardo replies.

"Thank you, Leonardo. But what's going to happen when he discovers I'm not there? He's going to kill you because you lied to him!"

"I'm leaving Venezia until he's dead," Leonardo says. His face is sad, and it makes me want to cry.

"This is your home!" I protest.

"I know, Desiree. I'm leaving in two days to Florence. I'll be safe there. Now please, come inside and introduce me to your friends," Leo says, ushering us in.

We sit down at his table and Leonardo gives us all coffee.

"So, who did you meet in Florence?" he asks.

"This is Alessia Machiavelli and Ella Francesca. They're pirate assassins from Britain," I begin, gesturing to them. "This is Rosalia Trevisano. She's from Florence. And you know Karma."

"Ah yes. Very nice to meet you," Leonardo says politely.

"Girls, this is Leonardo da Vinci. He's a very good friend of mine and Ezio Auditore de Firenze's," I say.

We talk for a long time, catching Leo up on what has been going on.

"Well, it's late. We should probably get back to our ship for the night," Ella says, standing. Alessia follows her and they leave the studio.

"Rosalia and I are staying at the inn nearby. Do you have anywhere to stay?" Karma asks me. I nod.

"Yes I do. Thank you for the offer though," I say. Rosalia and Karma leave, and then only Leonardo and I remain.

"Leo, I'm the one that is causing you to leave," I say. Leonardo smiles softly and places his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay, mia signora. Sarò bene."

"Ezio said that he wants me to take Roberto Muncina out myself."

"Desiree, you can do this. I believe in you," Leonardo says. I smile and leave his studio.

"Ciao Leonado."

"Ciao Desiree."

I climb to the rooftops and find my pile of hay. I stare up at the stars, thoughts swimming in my brain.

I'm hurting people I care about.

I should do this on my own.

A/N: Quick update before I go to sleep! With the definitions, I'm only going to define the words I haven't already defined, such as ciao and mia signora.


Sarò bene: I will be alright.

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