Chapter 22

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Karma's POV

By about 11:00, everyone is back at Leonardo's studio. Most of the guys are drunk, and they're all crashed on chairs and couches.

"Karma," Desiree says. I turn to face her, and she motions for me to come with her. "Our bedrooms are over here."

I begin to follow her, and I look back into the living room one last time. As I do that, Arno's eyes lock onto mine. I blush, turn away, and follow after Desiree.

"Here we are!" she says, opening a door. Inside, three beds are lined up neatly against the wall.

"This is nice... where is everyone else sleeping?" I ask.

"There are a couple of other bedrooms for everyone else. This one is for you, me, and another artist named Madeleine," Desiree says.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"She's an artist that I met when I was going to kill Roberto for the first time. She's staying with Leonardo," she replies.

"Why haven't we seen her since we've arrived?"

"She's been doing some artwork for a priest. She should be back at any moment."

"How do you know all of this?"

"I talked to Leonardo. He is doing better, but he still isn't good."

I nod and begin changing into a loose shirt and pants. Desiree and I both don't wear night gowns.

I hear the door open, and a girl with short brownish blonde hair in a ponytail walks in. She has a messy, paint covered apron on, covering the front of her overalls and shirt.

"You must be Madeleine," I say, holding out my hand. She smiles and shakes it.

"Yes. What is your name?"

"Karma Ibn-la'Ahad."

"Good to meet you, Karma," Madeleine says. She has a French accent, which didn't surprise me, considering her name is French.

Madeleine walks into the washroom with a handful of clothes and comes out two minutes later wearing baggy pants, a huge t-shirt, and her hair falls loosely around her face.

"You don't wear nightgowns either?" Desiree asks. She shakes her head.

"No. Gross."

I grin and lie down in my bed, letting the warmth of the blankets surround me.

I think I'm going to like her.

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