Chapter 8

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In the morning on the day of the meeting, Karma and I walk to Alessia and Ella's ship.

"You almost ready?" I ask as we walk on deck. They walk out of their cabins and nod.

"Yeah, let's go!" Alessia says.

We reach the Bureau in no time and sit down. As we sit, another girl assassin walks in and sits beside us.

"Ciao," she says.

"What's your name?" Karma asks.

"Rosalia Trevisano," the girl replies.

The talking dies down and we look at the male assassin that just entered the room. He's no stranger to me, because he's a good friend of Leonardo's.

His name is Ezio Audiote de Firenze.

"Brothers, sisters. We're gathered here today to discuss a matter with the templars that has become more and more of a threat as the days pass. I wish this meeting could have been called sooner, but I had business to attend to. Now, we must take action," Ezio begins.

"Who's our main target and does he have an army?" asks a male assassin from the back of the hall from where we're gathered.

"Well, there are a few of them. First one, Cesare Borgia. Second, Roberto Muncina. Third, Duilio Como. And to answer your other question, yes. They do have armies. Cesare's is the biggest, then Roberto's, then Duilio's," Ezio says.

He looks at me as he mentions Roberto and I nod slightly.

"Now, all of you will be given your normal missions by the people in your own countries, but these guys are on high alert. Let us show them what happens when you cross an assassin," Ezio says. The hall erupts with cheers and we all disperse from the meeting. Ezio stops me in the hallway and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Desiree, you're one of the strongest female assassins I know. I want you to be the one that takes out Muncina, especially after..."

"Lo farò. E non preoccuparti per me, posso farlo," I say. Ezio grins.

"I will talk to you later, mia signora. Ciao."

"Ciao, beyefendi."

I leave Ezio and join Alessia, Ella and Karma, who are standing with Rosalia.

"Desiree! Come, join us," Karma says. "What was that talk about?"

"Ezio wants me to take out Muncina personally," I say simply.

"Possiamo aiutarvi!" Rosalia says, making me grin.

"Finally, another Italian assassin!"

"Hey!" Karma says. I laugh.

"I can't speak Italian around you. You don't understand."

"أنت لا تفهم السورية," Karma says.

"Let's just go!" Alessia sighs.

We leave the Bureau and walk to Leonardo's horse and cart, which is still outside the building.

"Desiree, we're going to help you kill Muncina. Alessia and I will take the boat and park it in Venice while you, Karma and Rosalia take the cart!" Ella says.

"Alright. We'll meet you in Venice," I say.

Roberto Muncina is going down.

A/N: Wow, that was a lot of languages in that chapter...


Arabic (what!?)

أنت لا تفهم السورية- You don't understand Syrian.



Lo farò. E non preoccuparti per me, posso farlo: I will. And don't worry about me, I can do it.

Possiamo aiutarvi: We can help you!

Mia signora: My lady

Beyefendi: Another word for "Sir"

The picture above is of Rosalia Trevisano.

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