Chapter 3

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I follow my target through the streets of Italy, keeping my distance. I need to assassinate him before night falls.

He stops in the street and I hide behind a fruit stand. He looks around, frowns slightly and walks into an alleyway with the four other people he's with, probably his guards.

I follow them and stab the two guards at the back with throwing knives. The two other guards and my target turn and run at me. I kill one guard and am about to kill the other when I feel a sharp pain in my side.

I stab the remaining guard and he falls to the ground, dead. I turn and face my target, who is now alone. His sword has some of my blood on it, which makes me feel a bit nauseous.

"Did you think you could kill me, assassin? You should have known it wasn't wise," he says.

"I will kill you... it's my job," I say, holding my bleeding side.

"Silly assassin, you're too injured to fight!" he cackles. He walks up to me and raises his sword. I smirk and unsheathe my hidden blades. I dodge his sword and stab him, causing him to fall to the ground.

"An assassin is never too injured to fight," I say, my breathing heavy. "Now, who do you work for?"

"Master Muncina," he gasps.

"Thank you. Requiescat in pace." I close his eyes and he takes his final breath.

I walk away from his body and climb up to the roof of the nearest building, still holding my side.

"Cazzo..." I mutter. The nearest doctor is pretty far away, and I have no bandages.

I'm screwed.



Resta de pace: Rest in peace

Cazzo: F**k

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