Chapter 4

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"Desiree! Che diavolo è successo?" I hear a voice say.

"I found her on a rooftop, sir. Is there anything I can do?" asks another voice.

"Yes. Find a doctor. I'll clean the wound and get it to stop bleeding."

I open my eyes and find myself in Leonardo's workshop, my head pounding. I see another assassin leaving, but I don't see their face.

"Leo?" I whisper. He looks over at me, his face filled with relief.

"Desiree! Sei vivo!"

"Apparently so. Why am I here?"

"Another assassin found you and brought you here," he says.

"Who are they?"

"Her name is Karma Ibn- la'Ahad. She's here from Syria," Leo says as he cleans my wound.

"I've heard that name before, Ibn-la'Ahad," I say, deep in thought.

"You've probably heard of her brother, Altaïr."

"Yes! That's where it's from. I met him when I was younger."

Leo nods and continues cleaning the wound. The assassin, Karma, comes in with the doctor.

"Alright, let me see the wound," the doctor says. He takes Leo's spot and begins bandaging it. I look at Karma.

Her brown hair is mostly covered by her hood and she resembles her brother quite a bit.

"Thanks for saving my life," I say. She nods and grins a bit.

"Anything for a fellow assassin."

A/N: More assassins inbound!


Che diavolo è successo?: What the hell happened?

Sei vivo! : You're alive!

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