Amamiya Ren

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Your POV

"Oi, baka. can you please focus on the mission?" i asked through the coms.

"Relax, Ren. Besides, you already have the coordinates of our target. All we need to do is create a diversion for the target to come out and... BOOM!!! We got our heads on the prize!" He replied.

"Alright, alright, fine. Can you please shut the fuck up. I'm trying to ace this, Dedsec." I paused, "Stop complaining and start complying. Oh yeah, how's the blackout coming? Gonna need that ASAP." I continued, asking.

"Hai, Hai, gomenasai Ren-dono. Blackout's almost done and it should start right about.... now. Helloo~ darkness." His tone rolled, hearing him typing by the coms.

The place went dark. I immediately put on my mask and start eliminating all the guards. Until i arrive on a vacant room revealing a male stature on the balcony. I approached the figure slowly, making sure that he didn't notice what i did. Then, the figure turn his head to where our eyes meet.

"Hey Ren, i've been expecting you to come by." He greeted sarcastically, "Tell me, you missed me. Didn't you?" He chuckled, putting on his devilish smirk. "You don't have to be shy. I know you are. So, how's your mission nowadays?" He continued, asking sarcastically as he closed our distance and offering me a glass of wine.

"Oh... c'mon Ren. We were━"

"Yeah, i know. We used to be partners but not anymore." i cut him off, tackling him and pinning him down on the floor.

"Oh... wow. Someone never change."He taunted, "Oh yeah, i didn't expect you to come here with Dedsec. So how is it? How does it feel like working with him?" His voice sarcastically asking, "I heard that he's one of the best hackers ranked world wide. Even though, you're still at the top of the chart. Still doing that vigilante play?" He struggled but i tighten my pin squeezing to his neck.

"And you're still big with your mouth huh, marc." I let out a deep sigh to his nonsensicle taunting, "I wasn't expecting this reunion when accepting this contract. But the past is in the past and i am not going to hesitate killing you right here, right now." I sterned, putting out my 1911 Spec ops out of my pocket.

"Besides, you did manage to betray me 2 years ago didn't you. For a smartass you aren't smart at all." I took my aim, pointing the nozzle to his head and, "I'm very sorry but your life ends here, marc. It is nice knowing you." i smiled, pulling the trigger punching a hole through his head as his blood spills all over my gloved hand.

I sighed deeply while carrying marcus's dead body and dump it in a furnace where i placed the rest of the corpse. I lit the furnace and left the place "Mission accomplished, Dedsec. I'll be heading back now. Don't forget to take care the rest of the footage." Walking with my arms inside my pocket.

"Hai, Hai, Ren-dono. You don't have to be so formal when you're talking to me. Besides, aren't we friends" He joked with his annoying voice, "Aish... mendoukusai." i muttered under my breath.

"Ren, you know that i can hear you right? aho~" He laughed.

(the next day)

"Hey Dedsec, i've sent the reward of our last mission. Just like we discussed it, a 50-50 split. But i still have some extra from the person who gave the contract. He said that since we finished the job before the due time. He's willing to double the reward for us━"

"yeah, i don't really care about the extra. You can have the extra this time. Besides, this mission's reward is much enough even without the extra you metioned. So, you can have all the extra, Ren. Use it on your sister." He cut me off sentence.

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