Small Container(?)

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Chaeyoung's POV


I flinched to the sound as i peeked slowly outside the curtains. "Chaengie, it's fine now. You can come out." he said as i slide my legs and the curtains to reveal myself. "ahh... your ankle seems to be swolen. Did you by any chance tripped off when you were running?" as he approached me and kneeled checking my left foot. He holds my left ankle and pressed it gently assessing the situation as i flinched a little reacting to the pain from it.


"i guess i'm going to have to give you a piggy bag ride on my back." he stated as he pointed his thumb to his back. "aniya~ Ren-oppa. i think i still can walk." i replied waving my head refusing his offer as i tried to stand up but i failed. "aish... can't you see that your ankle is sprained chaenyoungie. you don't have to force yourself." he said with concerned on his tone as he held me by the waist stopping my fall. "Besides, it's quite a long walk from here to the parking lot behind the building. it'll be a road to hell for someone that has sprained ankles." he added as he tried to joke off a little. i chuckle to his attempt and i nodded complying to his advice.

i sighed and hopped on to his back. on the way to the parking lot feeling his warm temperature as i put my head on his shoulder and he glanced at me making me blush. Time went by and i kept enjoying these moments with Ren--riding on his back--feeling his body temperature through his suit as i felt my heart raising its pace, racing with time competing who's the fastest. i think Ren can feel it right now, my fastening heart beat. "how can i feel so secure around him. i feel like i can rely on him more than i rely on myself. i guess. i just found comfort on his caring hands." i told myself as i plant my head deeper onto his shoulder. "Ren-oppa, i've been wondering." i said starting a conversation. "where'd you learn that stance where you incapacitated that fan with your leg before?" i added.

"hmm... i learned that from a guy named Takeshi, Hatake Takeshi. his family is known by their experts in martial arts. his family knows a lot of fighting styles and one of them is Taekwon-do. it was the one that i use to incapacitate one of your sasaeng fans as you saw at the event." he replied explaining. "i never metioned that i also took an interest in martial arts on my story, did i?" he added asking. i lift my head and shaked my head a little. he sighed and "oh~well." took a deep breath.

"Ren~oppa..." i called him as he answered with a hum. "Do you like--no, love minari?" i asked faintly. "why do you asked that?" as he landed his cheek on my head at his shoulder. "i-ii don't know. j-just, just curious." i replied faintly as he chuckled and "i wouldn't say it as simple as love. i just seemed to care a lot about you girls. when i'm around you, i feel like i'm part of a family once again." he replied with hope filling his words. i hummed in response and "i guess we made you miss your family so much, ye... Ren-oppa." i replied not sure asking or not. "ye~chaengyoungie. you girls did make me miss my family that much." as i feel a light flick on my head. "Ren~oppa." he hummed. "Please stay~" i replied faintly as i slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep on his back.

Your POV

"Ren~oppa..." she called me as i hummed giving an answer. "Please stay~" she added faintly underneath her breath. "stay, huh~" i told myself mentally  as kept walking to the parking lot. i walked and kept walking, through the empty hallway and "i guess everyone had already left the place."  Time went by as i walked carrying chaeyoung on my back. i heard someone was yelling as i neared the parking lot. i immediately put myself on alert as i hacked to one of the security camera and saw 11 people with one furiously mad at 3 other person. i zoomed in and scan took an immediate scan of their faces revealing a fact that they're jeongyeon, twice's manager and a security guard that helped evacuating the place.

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