Can't Sleep Detour

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Dahyun's POV

it's 11.30 now. everyone's asleep and i am the only one having trouble with sleep. i tried my best to close my eyes and free my mind off from the hectic, disastrous fan event. i guess the word disastrous is too hyperbolic but i'll say it is quite hectic. it's just, i can't get it off from my mind. i can't stop thinking about it and to think that JYP-nim made us off schedule for a week. it's making me uneasy even more. i sighed and decided to walk around Ren's place. oh yeah, by the way if you asked how we decide who sleeps where. it's basically the same as we were at the dorm. since Ren's safehouse turned out to be very, no too spacious. Ren asked us to choose the room ourselves. how did he even manage to get a safehouse this big not to mention that he has it all over japan.

i stand up and walked over to chaeyoung's bed. i looked at her sleeping with bandage on her ankle. i stroke her hair earning a soft smile from her sleep and start walking outside to explore the safehouse. i got out and immediately head off to the kitchen to grab some water. at the kitchen when i poured in some water. i hear a noise from another room that has an electronic lock on its door. i neared the room quietly and put my ear up to eavesdrop what's happening inside.

"Congratulations, Ren-sama. you broke your record."

Ren: "hhh~thank god, that took me a while."

"Ren-sama, it seems that you have a visitor outside." the door opened and i see Ren sweating in his shirtless body. i froze standing right where i am and looking down embarassed by my actions. "what's wrong?" he asked. "i am very sorry. i didn't mean to interupt what you were doing." i apologized. "why'd you apologize for?" he asked as i saw his feet walking towards me. i shake my head hard knowing that what i did was wrong. i keep my head down and saw his feet right in front of mine and "you don't have to be like that dahyunnie." "Having trouble with your sleep?" he asked as he chuckled a little. i looked up and nod answering his question. " i was just exploring your safehouse and heard a noise inside this room. so, i naturally checked it out of curiousity." i explained. he sighed and patted my shoulder "so, do you want to see me have my training?" he said inviting. "umm~ i don't know--" "or maybe you got something bothering your mind?" He asked as he embraced my shoulder.

"I-uh, i don't know. It's just that today's incident really puts me off from having a good night sleep. It keeps lingering on my thoughts." As i shrugged not knowing the reason why these thoughts wouldn't go away. "Hhh~ i guess people handle traumatic events differently, huh." He replied as he grabbed his shirt wiping his sweat off of his body. "And i can guess that you are the type that 'can't get to sleep'." He added as he walked away and neared a wall.

"Umm.. what are you doing?" I said confused why'd he neared empty white walls. "You do know that I'm full of surprises don't you?" He replied chuckling to my question. "Lilly, can you bring out the wardrobe please. Need some new clothes here." He said and the wall in front of him shifted and changed into a wardrobe that contains different colours of clothing with the same style. My jaw dropped slightly out of surprise as he took out a shirt of his choice and i noticed scars all over his body. He put on his shirt and turned around to see me looking surprised with the view.

"I know right. Isn't  it amazing?" He said chuckling. "Umm... no-no. Not that, but this." I walked to him and lifted his shirt revealing scars from his past. "What happened to you?" I asked him with concerned and quite shocked. "Ahh.. yes. These are scars from my hard work and ambition for taking care of my sister." He replied as he put my hand away releasing my grip from his shirt. "You don't have to feel sympathetic over me. It's what older brother does for his little sister." He added. "It's a natural thing, i guess. Wouldn't you say?" He smiled lightly as he stroked my hair with his hand. "What kind of neighbourhood did you live in, Ren?"i asked. "Hmm... it varies, some are kind and considerate but there are some that are quite vicious and mean towards homeless orphans such as me." He explained. "I thought living there would be a bliss because of their culture and nature's beauty." I replied

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