Not an Update (My Life Update)

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Hi, uhm... i want to give a little update on why i haven't been able to update the story for a while. It's actually a bad news and a good news at the same time. Recently I've been experiencing sudden mood changes and have been crying randomly for no reasons. This happened with a feeling unimaginably painful and suffocating. Also, i have noticed that i am very obsessed with how i look and have been looking to the mirror very, very frequently. And so, i decided to see a doctor, psychiatrist to be exact. I consulted. And right away, i was diagnosed with Anxiety, depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Yes, the doctor immediately suggested for an anti depressant because my anxiety has already been way up there and became the reason to my OCD and resulted to Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). I know this sounds so sudden and I am yet again going on a hiatus untill I get better and able to update the story. Once again, I am very very sorry.


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