Worries (A/N: warning!)

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A/N: this chapter contains adult content. You can skip it if you want to because i wrote it on the intent to practice my writing after doing a lot of reading and research towards the topic. Anyway, the adult content doesn't really interfere with the main storyline so you can skip it if you want to. I also apologize if this chapter was not to your liking. Anyway, stay safe and stay home.

P.s this is also me getting outside of my comfort zone. Because usually I can't write this type of content because of the guilt buildup towards the idol I wrote it to.


Mina's POV

Ren and the girls went to the M-net's music bank. I sat myself again in front of the tv sitting on the carpet while leaning to the couch as i turned on the tv and asked lilly whether Ren has any kind of games. Lilly immediately switched out the room and appeared gaming consoles complete with its sound system.

I take a look on what games Ren has and turns out he collected a bunch of games from the golden age through this day. Not to mention Ren also has arcade machines which appeared last out of all of his collections. Gosh... Ren even arcade machines?? How much did you spend for all of these. I thought as scan through all of his collections. I searched my way through all of Ren's collection and found the game I wanted to play.

Ah... this should do it. I thought as i grabbed a game card called 'star fox commander'. I plugged it into the console and started the game. I played for a bit reminiscing the old days of 64-bits game and then I noticed a box left beside the exit door. My attention was pulled towards this unknown box as my curiosity peaked and went to check it for myself.

I neared the box and found words written on it. The words spelled DSec. DSec?? It's from Kenney then. I thought as i wonder what's inside the box. I wonder if Ren's okay with me opening the box. I thought as I grabbed a cutter knife and opened the seal. I opened the box to reveal an abundant amount of foams as I dug into it and found a slab of glass and clothing inside.

I noticed that the clothing were in Ren's size then I turned my attention towards the slab of glass and it started to project a loading screen. The screen finished loading and a black screen projected on the surface of the glass and it slowly revealed a figure which i already familiar with.

"Hey, Ren. As you already know about the current situation we were in. I've tracked down my little brother and have been watching all of his moves very closely. On those days I've also realized that this is a personal matter and I've come to a decision to solve this by myself. I know this sounds very sudden and impulsive of me but I don't want my personal matter interferes your life and your relationship with Mina. With that I also have made you specially tailored clothing with bulletproof and stab proof fabric. Until I'm finished with this matter, I will do anything to make you stay out of this. I hope you understand the decision I have made and live a good life for the two of you. Also, send my regards for Mina and the other Twice members. I will see you soon."

The video ended as the glass slab turned into a functioning tablet with a high tech interface. I put it down on a table near the box and unpack all the clothing inside the box. After taking out all the clothing from the box, I found a flashdrive, piece of paper, and suitcases. I don't know what's inside but I'm not going to open it. I thought as put it all out from the box.

I sat back down from where I originally sit and texted Ren whether he knew about the package or not. It turns out Ren had noted to open the package later tonight but i told him that I already peeked what's inside it and then he called me. "You've opened it?" He asked.

He's Mine (Twice My.Mina  X Japanese OC FF) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now