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Mina's POV

We are back from our trip to Thailand and right now Ren's cooking for us while i am with Shion coloring with her coloring book on the kitchen counter. I stole some glances at Ren's back and saw him turning around with lidded pot then turning again to bring another one. The pot looked hot as i saw fumes escaping from the lidded top and Ren using gloves bringing it on the table. He lifted the lid letting more fumes coming out of it as it reveals a french dish I'm familiar with. "Isn't this from that disney movie?" I asked, "ne, ja-gi. It's ratatouille." As I leaned forward to see more of its content.

"Smells good too." I sniffed the fume coming out and he chuckled as he lifted the lid on the other pot. "A miso chicken oven?" He nodded and he turned around to grab some plates. "Come on, lunch is ready." As he set the plates and other utensils for us to eat. "I've never seen you cook a french dish before." As he prepared the ratatouille plating it to our plates. His plating skills are very exceptional, he's basically can be compared to those professionals that have worked tirelessly perfecting their craft. "Hope you like it." He smiled while sliding the plates to us after he finishes his plating.

I grabbed the spoon prepared for Shion, starting to feed her while she colors with her coloring book. "Open your mouth Shion-chan." As I spooned her a little for her to taste first. "Do you like it?" And she turned her head then nodded excitingly, "ne... what is this kaa-san." She asked after swallowing the food i spooned to her mouth, "it's too-san's cooking. Do you like it?" She nodded again excitingly, "ne-ne... kaa-san, scoop me some more." I went to scoop another for Shion and bringing it to her mouth. "Say 'aa' Shion." As she opened wide her mouth and i brought the spoon into her mouth. I looked over to Ren laughing a little with a smirk on his face. He looks really happy to see his daughter liking his cooking.

"Come here, Minari. Lean closer to me, I'll feed you." I chuckled to his words and curved a smile shyly. "You don't have to do that, ja-gi." He softly shushed me, "daijoubu. Come on, open your mouth." As he brought up a spoon to my mouth. I took the spoon into my mouth as a smoky and creamy taste envelopes my entire mouth. "Oh wow, this is really good Ren." I was surprised and again he looked very happy that his cooking was a success. "Hontou?? Wah.. i think i might become a competitor for Momo's frech restaurant here." He joked, "but first you need to rent a building to open one, ja-gi." As i brought my spoon to Shion's mouth, "come on, Minari. You know that wouldn't be a problem."

"You need to eat too, ja-gi." As i set Shion's spoon on the plate and grabbed a new one before i feed him. "Come on. Open your mouth." I started to feed him as i set myself back to where i sit. "Gwaenchanh-a, Minari. I'll eat after you two already have your lunch." He waved his hand after taking the spoonful i brought for him with his mouth. "You can keep feeding Shion and I'm going to feed you." He smiled after he finishes his chewing and swallowed. "But make sure to have your lunch after this. Okay, Ren?" I demanded sternly, "arrasseo, Minguin." He smiled to my words and i continued to feed Shion with her spoon.

After Shion is finished eating, i turned my position to look towards him as he brought me a spoonful and i took in whole. "You can stop now, Ren. Shion is finished with her food. I can feed myself now." He pouted and hummed disappointed, "wae?? I wanted to do it longer." Oh my, he's so cute when he does that. I thought looking at his cheeks puffed following his pout. "Ren, you have to eat too. Come on. Or you'll get sick." I set down my eating utensils and reached out to his hand bringing it together, cupping it.  "Well if that's what my penguin wants, i will surely obliged." He smiled widely, he's 35 but his actions doesn't really reflect his own age. I thought while giggling at the back of my head.

He's Mine (Twice My.Mina  X Japanese OC FF) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now