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Mina's POV

Ren's at home right now, because we're on the weekends and Shion has been asking a lot of things to him. "Too-san, are martial arts hard to learn?" I heard faintly from the kitchen and looked over to them both sitting on the living room. Right now, i am preparing a sandwich for Shion. I'm finished making Shion's sandwich and now i am walking to the living room to bring the sandwich for her. "Here is your breakfast, Shion." As I'm arriving and then setting myself to sit beside Ren, "nande? You want to learn martial arts?" Shion nodded to Ren's surprised reply. "Dameda, Shion. Abunaiyo." Ren rejected Shion's request and Shion pouted, not happy with his answer. "Nandeyo? Too-san, it looks really cool. I want to learn it too." Ren turned over to me, asking for my permission. I chuckled underneath my breath and "iiyo, Ren. Just teach her the basics." Ren looked concern and then turned to look at Shion. "Hontou ni naraitainoka?" Shion nodded with determined eyes and her cute little pout. "Well if you insist then, i guess i have no choice." Ren reached out to ruffle with her hairs and "do you want me to cook lunch for today?" Ren asked as he turned over his gaze to look at me. His puppy eyes are showing and somehow the sight of it made me want to laugh at his face. "If you insist then, i guess i have no choice ja-gi." I giggled while repeating his answer.

He then laughed softly underneath his breath while curving a subtle smirk on his face. "Ne, Minari. What do you want for today's lunch?" He asked as he looked at Shion then back at me. I hummed with my pursing lips pouting and thinking about what's great for lunch today. "Ooh... i have an idea. I'm going to experiment." Ren pointed out as his voice sounded very enthusiastic. "Hee? Nani? What's on your mind?" Ren smiled to my reply while moving his hands cupping my shoulders. "It's something delicious, Minari. I'm sure you two will like it." His smile became wider with confidence showing on his face. "What time is it?" Ren asked and lilly immediately answered through the sound system, saying that it is 8 AM. He sighed, "i guess it is still too early to start cooking now." His excitement died down and the sight of his handsome face flushed down is funny to me. "Ren stop being a manchild. You're 36 years old." I joked to him about his childlike behavior. But then his face suddenly lit up and bear hugging from behind, "by the way did you like my present on this year's anniversary." He pecked my cheek as i recalled the memories of my birthday this year.


His surprise was beginning at night when Shion's asleep. He prepared something different and simple this year, yet his gifts are still as sweet and romantic like he always gives. It was around 10 o'clock when he suddenly came into our bedroom bringing a guitar on his hand. I was sitting on my calves on bed that night and he slowly came inside as the lighting mood changed and Ren pulled a small chair with cushion on available in our bedroom. He dragged it to the foot of the bed as I shuffled myself turning over to face him. He sat down with his long legs crisscrossed and putting the guitar on his leg ready to play something. At first, i thought about 'what is he going to do with the guitar' because i never knew that he could play an instrument like at all. But then he started to set his hands on the bars and strings, beginning to play an instrumental on his guitar. I was surprised at him playing a cover of Yiruma's song May Be while he stared deep into my eyes then glancing a little bit to his guitar trying to perfect his play. It felt warming to my heart as my palms were closing my mouth gaping in awe. When i thought he was finishing the song, he paused for a moment to stand up and moved onto the bed with me, setting himself close beside me. He then played his guitar again, playing a cover to another of Yiruma but this time I didn't know the title. The tunes of his fingers picking melodies out of the strings reminded me of how my heart flutters over his affection. The slow melody as i felt every note played represents his affections that made me fluttering, his lips curving a soft smile and softly called out the title of the song he played. "Falling in love."

He's Mine (Twice My.Mina  X Japanese OC FF) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now