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Your POV

It's been awhile since I've used one of these. As i am strapping a military vest and then grabbed a miniature gun. Oh my, for a miniature gun this sure packs some weight to it. And then i saw Kim Woobin approaching me, ready with his costume and his gun.  "Are you ready?" He slapped me with his back hand. "Of course i am, Woobin-ssi. Things like these were my kind of job." I joked and he laughed as then Lee Seunggi and Sana came nearing us. "Oh wow, Ren-ssi. You looked like the real deal." Seunggi pointed out, "the looks reminded me of, when you were still a bodyguard Ren." Sana joked and they both looked ready as well. "Oi, Ren-ssi. Why do you all got to wear some heavy duty vests while I'm here only with this lightweight vest." Lee Dongwook came in with his complaints. "In a military squad there's one person that's in charge of recon and we usually call them the scouts. And they're very important." I explained but seems like Lee Dongwook was not having it. "Alright, everyone get into the set we're shooting in 15 minutes." The director said aloud and we immediately set ourselves on camera .


"Yes, good job everyone. That was some flawless acting." The director clapped, stopping the recording and then everyone started clapping for everyone's hard work on today's shoot. I walked back to my dressing tent and found my makeup team with my dressing team. "Gamsahamnida, today you guys really did a great job." I thanked my team as they all bowed while replying to me with thanks too. "You guys may leave now. Today's shoot has done." I smiled sending them home and then they all started to pack up their stuffs. "Yeon-seo. Do i have another schedule after this?" I asked as i walked to set myself sitting on a chair opposite a mirror but before then i unstrapped my military vest and set it aside on the makeup table. The vest made a loud thud and i think this startles the whole crew. "Joesonghamnida." I apologised and then "This vest is really heavy." Manager Lee neared and then tried to lift the vest on the table. "Well it is a military vest after all." Manager Lee chuckled to my short and obvious explanation. "After this you have an interview on JTBC from last week and then on SBS."

"Ah ne, why did I forget about that." I hissed to my own forgetfulness. "How's your wife? Has she gotten better?" I nodded answering her question, "ne, Yeon-seo. She's getting better." I clicked my tongue and then pressed my lips against each other. "What time is it Yeon-seo?" I asked, "it's 4 PM Ren." I hissed and then breathed in deep. "Alright, let's get going to JTBC broadcast station." I stood off from my chair and turned around to see everyone has left except me and manager Lee. I walked to grab my coat and then head outside to find there are still crews packing their stuffs. Well mostly are the camera crews because their tools consist of a lot of things. I looked up to see falling snows while noting that it's almost Christmas already. I looked straight back and turned around to see manager Lee coming out from the tent. "Ikou, kaa-san." I teased my manager in Japanese and she laughed. "Ne, Ren. I know that you need to be home early for your wife."


Mina's POV

It's almost Christmas again and then it'll be another new year, leaving 2031 behind. This year we've spent a lot of our times together from going back to Japan, Ren finally regaining his memories but the most important thing is we got to spend all of them together. Right now i am accompanying Shion studying for her midterm examination before her winter break. We are sitting on the living room's carpet with Shion really focused on her study. I then asked lilly for the time and lilly pointed out that it's nearing 5 PM. I think it is time to prepare dinner. I thought as I brought myself to stand up and walked my way to the kitchen. I stopped by the fridge to check what ingredients we have left. We still have some chicken breasts, some chicken broth, and a lot of vegetables. I think i know what i'm going to make. I thought as i grabbed all of them one by one and putting it on the cooking counter. Yes, i decided to cook something simple tonight, a chicken soup.

He's Mine (Twice My.Mina  X Japanese OC FF) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now