Family Time

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Mina's POV

"kaa-san, who's this in the picture?" Shion showed me my debut picture on our first album. I took the picture from her hand and set myself sitting beside her. Shion climbed to my lap, setting herself to sit on it. "is this Momo-ajumeoni?" She pointed at Momo who's blonde at that time. "Unn.. Shion. She was our group's dancing machine. She's really good at dancing." Shion breathead a 'woah'. "Kaa-san, why do you look so pretty even today?" I smiled, "arigatouna, Shion." She climbed to my collar, hugging me.

"Kaa-san, when will too-san come back home?" She snuggled her face on my mine. "Mmm... i don't know maybe he'll be back tonight." I answered unsurely when will Ren come home. Today Ren went for his shoot for another drama. For these couple of months Ren has been going in and out for his shoot but he always took his day off on weekends to take Shion on a trip and this week he promised Shion to visit Coex Aquarium. Anyway, today's thursday and usually he comes home pretty late.

Oh, also, Ren has been teaching Shion a lot of about Japan since her bloodline is an Amamiya and a Myoui. But Ren also taught her how to speak korean and still use Japanese when communicating inside our family. "Kaa-san, too-san is here." She pointed at the door with Ren standing as it slides open. I picked Shion up on my arms and brought her with me, approaching Ren. "Too-san.." Shion reaching out her hands to his father. "Ouhh... Shion-chan. How's your day with your mother today." He hummed while caressing Shion's head. "Too-san, kaa-san said that you promised us to go visit an aquarium."

"Hee?? Kaa-san did, did she?" His tone playing with Shion. Shion nodded excitedly and Ren looked at me. "Do you want me to take over?" He offered a change, taking care of Shion while kissing me. "Daijoubu, Ren. Have you eaten yet?" He hung his coat on the hanging rack just beside him. He waved his head then took over Shion from my arms. "ah.. good timing. I've cooked a curry for you." He hummed, "wah.. Hontou?" I nodded and we walked together to the kitchen. I grabbed a plate, scooped some rice and scooped the curry on beside it. "Shion-chan, have you eaten lunch yet?" His tone playing with Shion. "Unn.. Too-san. How about you?" I looked at Shion on Ren's arms nodding excitedly answering his question.

"Too-san is very hungry. Too-san haven't had lunch today." He answered Shion question with pouty frown. "Hee?? Then too-san have to eat or too-san will get sick." Shion answered, stern yet cute. "Aaa.. Ryoukai, Shion-chan." Their interaction made me laughed a little. I put Ren's curry on the counter "Wah... your curry smells amazing as always Mina." He sniffed the air while handing over Shion to me.  He grabbed a tall wooden chair and sit against the counter to start eating. He started eating. I set Shion sitting beside him and me beside her. Shion climbed a little to look over the top of the counter.

"Ren, tomorrow can you accompany me to the salon and after to the supermarket." He looked at me after scooping his curry, "Shion also wanted to come." He nodded, "why wouldn't I? I did spare the weekends to spend my time with both of you." I chuckled then smiled, "you really haven't change Ren." He hummed, "well you too, Minari. You are as beautiful as the first time i met you." He kissed me, "Ren, Shion is here." i teased, sternly and he looked confused. "What? Why? Sooner or later she'll know this kind of stuff happen in life." He joked and continued eating. I smirked to his joke, "too-san, kaa-san told me that you were a Hero back in Japan." He looked at me, brow is arching.

"You told Shion about me being a famous vigilante back in Japan?" I nodded weakly in anticipation and he laughed. "Iindayo, Minari." He moved his gaze towards Shion "do you want to know the full story Shion-chan?" He asked with his tone playing with Shion which Shion nodded excited to hear Ren's story.

He's Mine (Twice My.Mina  X Japanese OC FF) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now