Picnic (Part 1)

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Your POV

"but wait. didn't you mention that you won't be leaving us out from your protection since there's a bad news regarding the last happening?" jihyo asks

I answer, "that thing i can manage and also it will be a surprise. so, you girls just have to tag along. you girls won't regret it."

"Alright, let's get going." Jihyo shouts enthusiastically. "You girls can head upstairs first. I'll catch up later." I instructed as they went ahead while i pulled out my phone and start doing what i promised.

Alright, Ren. Don't mess up. If it does things will start going downhill and so. I started to look for (Mall/N) and hack through its system. Finding its network won't take long because usually famous company such as (Company/N) that invest and focuses on entertainment, tourism and such uses peer to peer WAN connections. This also connects to its SAN which is a server that pools all of their data that's pulled out from its API to complete its system architecture.

This however is an old method but the company seems to have it upgraded and enhanced. They added encryptions and some weird and unnecessary things. Well i guess that's the stereotypical of such companies. They only focus on their so called 'healthy rates'.

Okay, i got it. I'm in. Now, all i need to do is tweak some of its data and we are done. "Are you sure you want to apply changes that have been made?"

"Yes, lilly." So, from now on. I own the company named (Company/N). "Ren sama. It seems that we've encountered a minor problem."

"What's that lilly?"

"The attempts to apply changes have failed. Do you want to retry and use different methods?"

"Hmm... let's have 2 more tries and then we are going with another way."

(Attempt 1)




(Attempt 2)


"Fail. Do you want to continue the attempts."

"No, I'll do this the normal way." I sighed and start hacking to bank companies and then acquiring a lot of bank accounts to hack to and start piling up money to buy the company instead.

For solid 5 minutes and recently started walking to the elevator and pressed the button. Again, i sighed while still collecting the money with my phone. the elevator dinged. the door opens revealing the sight of chaos with the girls playing and running around the small space of my container and hinami playing with the j-line. i warned them and say that it is time to go,so. we all get out of the container to the alley where my container is and i tapped my phone to call in for a van.

in a flash the van arrives and we all jumped in and sit according to our likings. plus one with hinami seating with the j-line while i'm squished in between these maknaes that one is a pure savage and the other is just pure cute small cub. the van drives away with lilly piloting and projects a hologram on the driver's seat so anyone wouldn't be skeptical to our vehicle.

on the ride to (mall/n) everyone seem to be busy conversing and playing with each other. well, they always do. Me on the other hand is still busy hacking and transferring money to a dummy account so i can buy the mall and companny with my name and clear out the mall owing the situation in case of something dangerous that might happen. 5 minutes in on the ride i notice that tzuyu on my left side is looking at me and curious of what i'm doing. i think, and so i ask.

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