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Mina's POV

We are currently in Japan at my parents' house. After Ren's drama shoot and his drama promotional schedules ended, he immediately decided to take another month off from shooting. Shion's currently playing with Ray at the garden and Ren's bonding with my father. They somehow got really close together because of their unexpectedly similar taste in sports. I thought while my gaze was directed at both of them excitingly watching football and baseball matches. The sight of it, looked really amusing to me as I'm in the kitchen helping my mother preparing lunch.

"Your husband's career has skyrocketed with that movie recently, Mina." I saw her cutting some pickled cucumber and carrots while I'm pan-searing a salmon. "Ah~ ne, kaa-san. His recent movie was nominated for Oscars too." I replied while my eyes kept on the pan paying attention to what I'm doing. "Wahh~ hontoudesuka?" I heard her reply as I nodded to answer.

"Sadly his movie didn't get the Oscars. But at least the movie won the best movie of the year at Baeksang Arts." I said a silver lining and heard an approving hum from my mother. "Souda, winning best movie of the year in Baeksang Arts Awards is also a huge milestone for his career." I glanced at my mother now rolling the vegetables she cut with grilled unagi into one long sushi roll. We went silent for a moment, busy doing our tasks and as I was about to finish preparing lunch for Shion and Ren, I heard Shion running into the kitchen.

"Shion!! Don't run around in the hallway like that!! You might trip if you do!!" I called her out while plating the lunch and felt arms snaking around my waist. I turned over to look on my shoulder and found Ren, "smells delicious, Minari." As he took in some deep breaths with the fume coming into his nose. "Today's lunch is just some pickled vegetables and a fillet of salmon." I looked at him while saying it in an apologetic tone. "Daijoubudayo, Minari," Ren replied with his smile and then felt a tuck on my apron. I heard Shion addressing me and then immediately turned my head down to see her with Ray.

"Kaa-san, Ray-chan is asking for his lunch too." Shion pointed while Ray letting his tongue loosely hanging out from its mouth. I Immediately felt Ren's arms removing and then saw him squatting to pet Ray."Is Ray-chan hungry? Are you hungry too?" Ren cooed the dog laying on its stomach with his baby voice. After this Ren immediately went to stand up then grabbing a can of dog food. "Dozou, Ray. Here is your food." I heard Ren while I'm setting the lunch on the table and saw my father coming here to have lunch.

"Ren, I can't believe you just missed the highlight of Yoshihisa Hirano." I saw my father pulling a chair and setting himself to sit."Ikemasenne. Waah~" Ren breathed loudly into a slight groan. "Yosh, everyone is now at the table. Let's eat together." My mother called out as I saw Shion setting herself to sit on the chair she just pulled. "Itadakimasu!!" Ren, Shion, and my father exclaimed, "hai, itadakimasu." My mother exclaimed back in response. "Come on, Mina. Take a seat, let's eat together." My mother invited me while I pulled a chair and setting myself to sit.


"What are you doing ja-gi?" I turned over to see Ren setting himself to sit with me on the floor. "I'm looking at some old photos." Ren moved one hand to stroke my hair. I looked back at the old photo album my family has. I shuffled myself closer to Ren so he could see it too. "You look really cute." Ren pointed at my baby pictures. I looked over to his face curving a subtle smile and somehow a smile crept onto my face too.

"Oh- look at this." I pointed at myself in my school uniform then. "This is when I was still in junior high school." I heard him chuckling over my ear. "You look beautiful even then, Minari." I looked over to him with his smirk displaying and somehow it made me shy to his flattering earlier. "And not to mention this pose right here. It's quite funny. Shall the best actor and male model of Korea re-enact the same pose?" He continued his tease and I hit him playfully as I can feel my cheeks are flaring.

He's Mine (Twice My.Mina  X Japanese OC FF) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now