2. School For Gifted Youngsters

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When Kath returned to her and Danilea's shared dorm room later that evening and found said sister already there, she felt a surge of both relief and irritation.

"There you are! Where the hell have you been?"

"My day was fine, thank you, and yours? I was out." Daniela didn't look up from painting her nails.


"Just out."

"Yeah, got that much. You want to tell me where?"

"None of your business."

"Yes, it is."

"It's really not. I don't care what you do with your spare time."

Kath sighed and crossed her arms. She was sick and tired of dealing with her sister's attitude. "Piotr said he saw you in the pantry. What were you doing in there?"

"Shouldn't that be obvious? Getting some snacks. What, you've got your boyfriend spying on me now?"

"No, he's not my boyfriend, and no, no one's spying on you. I just wish you would tell me, or someone, where you're going before you go."

"Out with friends."


"That's what I said."

"Well, that's good then."


Kath and Daniela both shared the same dark chocolate brown hair, both which they had dyed. Kath had added streaks of dark blue and purple, and Daniela had dyed the ends of hers bright orange to match her pyrokinesis powers. So when Kath noticed a dark spot on her sister's neck, it was pretty obvious that it was not some hair.

"Yela, is that a-"

"No," Daniela said, smacking her hand over the spot before Kath could even finish.

Yup, definitely a hickey. "You want to tell me about the friends you were out with?"

"Just friends."

This may be a bigger problem than Kath had originally thought.


The Maximoff siblings had arrived at Charles's Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters at a young age. The older twins had been ten, the younger twins eight. Their family was already broken, their dad on the run once again, a fugitive; their mom, a human, out of the picture for good; and Lorna only a few months from running away and not looking back.

Despite Xavier and their father's troubled past (to put it lightly), the professor wasn't about to abandon his once-friend's children, and warmly welcomed the Maximoff's, then still Lehnsherrs, into his school and giving them a much-needed home, support, and a stable life.

Their father had faced persecution for being a mutant his whole life, starting when he was just a child. His first child, a daughter named Nina, a mutant, was killed by the authorities when they came after him, and this only fueled his already present rage towards humans.

The siblings had been 'gifted' with various different powers - despite having one human parent, all their powers came across strong. Lorna, metal manipulation (like Dad); Kath, also extreme metal manipulation (too bad Lorna and Dad were never around to help her with said unmanageable powers); Daniela, pyrokinesis; Peter, speed; and Wanda, telekinetic energy. It was funny how they could all be from the same family and yet have such different and diverse powers amongst them, for the most part.

While Daniela, Peter, and Wanda all shared a collective dislike for their father, Kath, while her relationship with him was no less strained, often felt the urge to reach out to him, whether or not he would respond. But she was his daughter, and she shared the same powers as him. She often wondered if he had struggled with said powers as much as she did.

"Easy for you to say, you're his favourite," Peter once said casually when she brought this up.

This was not what she wanted to hear. "Hey, don't be like that. I am not." She brushed away all thoughts of their father. "Besides, we don't need him, we have each other." We've managed this long together without him.

Peter rolled his eyes. "That's super cheesy."

"It's true."

"Okay, true but cheesy."

That was the thing, with the exception of their eldest sister, who had made the conscious choice to leave, the Maximoff siblings had always had each other, could always depend on each other.

At least Kath tried her best to keep it this way. But as they grew older, the more worried about this she became.


"Hey, have you seen Daniela with any of the guys here?" Kath asked the twins the following day after her discussion with her sister that hadn't gotten very far.

"No, why?"

"Cause she definitely has a hickey on her neck and was trying to hide it. And she said she was 'out with friends'."

"So? I've had hickeys, we've all had hickeys!" Peter said, none too quietly.

"You didn't ask her?"

"She wouldn't tell me. And denied it."

"Are you sure that's what it was?"


"And you weren't just imagining it cause you were paranoid?"

"No! I know what I saw, Wanda!"

"Maybe your brain conjured it because your subconscious is upset with your lack of action," Peter said unhelpfully.

"Wow, thanks Pete."

"Just sayin'." Peter held up his hands in surrender. "I mean, we all know you've got the hots for Colossus."

"Could you speak any louder?!"

"Sure can!"

"Well don't. And who 'all knows'?"

"Well, me, Wanda, Daniela, Scott, Kurt, Alex, Jubilee, Ororo, Jean, Wade, Ellie, Yukio, Carol, and I'm pretty sure the professor even knows. I mean, the guy's a telepath, so probably." Peter gave a proud smile. "And let's not forget who else: you. You, Katharina Maximoff, know full well."

Kath scoffed. "You're unbelievable." She looked to Wanda for support.

Her red-clad sister only shrugged. "Sorry, Sis. But he's right. About it all."

"Colossus probably knows too."

"Enough, Peter."

"Just sayin'."

(Ah, some quality sibling content, haha! ;) So, I also want WandaxCarol (Captain Marvel) to appear in this story - I think they're a badass couple! ;) I may even add in some Cherik later too (I've seen lots of cute fanart of them!)

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(Ah, some quality sibling content, haha! ;) So, I also want WandaxCarol (Captain Marvel) to appear in this story - I think they're a badass couple! ;) I may even add in some Cherik later too (I've seen lots of cute fanart of them!)

Next up we learn what Daniela is hididng... ;) Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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