6. Danger Surrounds Us

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In the end, Daniela didn't end up packing a bag and going to join Warren in his barn, though definitely heavily considered it

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In the end, Daniela didn't end up packing a bag and going to join Warren in his barn, though definitely heavily considered it. Instead, she locked herself away in her room for the whole next day, until the evening when she snuck out to another of Warren's cage fights scheduled for that night. She didn't sign herself out - screw their 'sign-in, sign-out' policy. She was an adult and did not need to be monitored like a child.

The venue for the fight tonight had been changed from previous, and instead of the 'sketchy side' of downtown was in a warehouse at the far end of the city. Daniela wasn't sure why it had been moved, but maybe to avoid suspicion judging by the police scare last time.

As soon as she set foot in the warehouse she knew something was off. Something was wrong.

A security guard checked her pockets and bag closely before finally allowing her into the arena.

Which was a total chaotic mess.

For one, it was bigger, so lots more people. And rowdy people, clearly intoxicated. She tried to make her way towards the front which proved very difficult. When she finally made it, she was stopped by another guard - a heavily armed guard.

"Hey, that's as close as you get little girl," he said.

She was about to snap back at him for speaking to her like that, but one look at the giant machine gun in his hands kept her quiet. What was this?

She saw a flash of ivory wing and saw that Warren had entered the cage - the door locked behind him. The crowd went wild. He tried to keep his energy up along with them, but it was clear that he was uncomfortable. She couldn't meet his eye over the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we have a very exciting show for you!" said the announcer, intoxicated as well, the sound system so loud it rang in Daniela's ears, only adding to the highly uncomfortable nature of this whole situation. "First up we have the one, the only, Archangel!" The crowd started screaming louder - they had never stopped. "The ladies love him!" Women's screams rose above the others as if in affirmation. "And his first opponent is the very alluring - Polaris!"

Now Daniela saw a flash of green - long hair, a woman. When the person standing in front of her blocking her view shifted slightly, she gasped.


Her sister.

She was here. She was in the fighting cage with Warren.

"May the best win!" the announcer continued. "And I do mean the best! Three, two, one - GO!"

The fight began. Daniela was now on her tip toes, straining to see what was going on. Warren lunged at Lorna, who just stepped out of the way. This happened a few more times, she avoiding him and not fighting back.

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