4. Training

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The next morning was scheduled training time, with each student there to focus on themselves and their powers. It was about furthering your ability and confidence in using your powers.

"Daniela, late again," Professor McCoy said when the redhead stepped into the training room at least fifteen minutes after class had started.

"Sorry, late night." She yawned.

"So I can see. I know that you're a senior student now, but that is no excuse for tardiness. Okay, get suited up, please."

Kath was shooting her a look across the room. Daniela ignored it.

The robots Professor McCoy had built specifically for training were lined up. They were build so that they would adapt to each individual power set, providing a challenge.

Everyone lined up across from their own robot and began the challenge.

Kath was straining, and sweating up a storm, and yet, nothing seemed to be happening to the robot standing before her. Daniela merely blasted her robot with a ball of fire. Kath definitely envied her sister and her seemingly effortless control over her powers. And she wasn't afraid to use them either.

Everyone else seemed to deal with their robots quickly and efficiently. Once they were done, Professor McCoy let them leave.

"Don't get discouraged, Kath," Piotr reassured her.

"Thanks, kind of hard not to though." Especially with Piotr around. Not just because she liked him and wanted to show off - as her siblings would say she was doing, which, for the record, she wasn't - but because she was obviously not in control and she didn't want to harm Piotr. Oh why oh why did she have to have such a big, fat crush on a metal man?

Because he was sweet, considerate, kind, caring, and so many other wonderful things. He looked intimidating and intense, but really he was a total sweetheart and a great friend.

Daniela was one of the first to leave, as usual. Also as usual, Kath lingered behind.

"Professor McCoy? Is it alright if I stay and practice some more?"

"Sure, Kath. I'm leaving the robots activated for the next group. I have another class to teach, so Piotr is staying with the next group. That's alright with you, Piotr?"

"Of course." The Russian man smiled.

Kath had begun assistant teaching in some classes, like with Professor McCoy's history class that Peter and Wanda were in. Her goal was to be able to help with training as well, like Piotr was doing - once she gained control of her powers. This meant extra practice and extra concentration.

Professor McCoy left to go to his class and the next group filed in. It was Peter and Wanda's year.

Peter simply whipped past his robot, knocking it down. Wanda crushed hers with some telekinetic energy. Kath could barely hold hers back.

"Maybe take a break, Kath. You don't want to overdo it and push yourself too hard," Piotr stepped in, cautioning her.

It was only then that she realized how heavily she was breathing and how sweaty and tired she was.

Wanda gave her a sympathetic look as she walked off to the side and sat on the bench with her water bottle.

Down the bench from her, Ellie, a girl in Peter and Wanda's year, was sitting.

"Sitting this one out, Ellie?"

"Yeah, for now. Professor McCoy says I can't just blast the robot, or I'll become predictable. I've mastered that, but now I need to come up with other techniques."

"I can't even come up with one technique."

"You'll get it."


Ellie turned back to those who were training, watching Yukio take down one robot with her electric wires.

"You should talk to her," Kath urged.

Ellie pulled her gaze away from Yukio. "I don't know..."

"Go for it."

Yukio caught them looking and flashed them a big smile and wave.

"How about I will - if you talk to Colossus." Ellie smirked and quirked and eyebrow.

"Oh, not you too..."

"Peter and Wanda have filled me in."

"Of course they have."

"He's a good guy."

"He's a lovely guy."

"Exactly! So go talk to him! He believes that you'll master your powers."

Kath wished she could share his confidence in herself. "Okay, fine, deal." They shook hands.

"Awesome!" Ellie leapt off the bench and strode right over to Yukio, upholding her side of the deal right away.

Kath hesitatd, looking across the room at Piotr where he was standing arms-crossed assessing the trainees.

She turned and left the training room, heading for the locker room. She could always keep her promise to Ellie later.


Daniela disappeared again, after training and well into the evening. Kath tried not to let herself worry, but this was not easy. She just had to keep telling herself that her sister was fine, but that was difficult when she had no idea where she was and who she was with.

She was exhausted after training that morning, so any thoughts of staying up and waiting for Daniela were dashed when she fell asleep while reading before bed.

She slept soundly through the night, recovering from the strain that training had taken on her body, and awoke just before eight the next morning.

Even in its groggy state, her brain managed to register that the bed across from hers had been left untouched, untouched since the previous morning.

All thoughts of calm vanished, and panic struck through her. She threw on a robe and fled to the Professor's office, knowing he was usually awake early.

"Professor, I'm worried. I don't think Daniela came home last night."

(Wanted to end on a bit of a suspenseful note ;) thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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