20. Love in the Air

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Upon ensuring Daniela was all right, all eyes fell upon Warren.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Daniela asked. Her tone was gentle and non-accusatory. She wasn't upset with him not revealing the fact, just curious as to why. 

He wouldn't meet her eyes. "How could I?"

"You're not at fault. We can't choose where we come from." My angry dad just stormed out of the house. 

"I know, but I was ashamed of who I used to be, before my mutation. Your dad was right, I was spoiled rotten, a playboy, a cheat. But like I said, these wings were the best thing that could have happened to me."

"We'll give you two a moment, if you'd like," said Kath.


The others left the couple. Warren came to sit next to her on the couch, looking extremely guilty.

"Hey-" She cupped his face in her hands. "-I see you no differently. This doesn't change anything."


"It doesn't. I promise." She reached out and took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm so sorry about what happened, what he said to you."

"Most of it was true."

"Was not."

"I'm sorry you had to learn about it that way. I should have told you a long time ago.  And he said some pretty nasty things to you as well."

"Yeah, well, I don't care." She shrugged.

"I admire that about you. You don't give a damn what other people think. I'm glad our child has you as their mother."

She smiled. "And they're equally lucky to have you as their father. Our child is going to have the confidence to take on the world if they want to. I love you, Warren."

"And I love you, Yela." He reached out and placed a gentle hand over her belly, so he could hold both her and the baby at once. "This is really motivating me to put all that behind me. Our family means everything to me, and I can do better - I will do better, I know I can - for you and the baby."

"I know you can too. For us, and for yourself." She placed her hand on his chest.  "Don't forget about you."


"Peter! If you stole my Led Zeppelin IV album again, I swear-" called Daniela from the library.

There was as gust of wind that whipped past her, signalling Peter's presence, but only for a moment. Said album was now spinning on the player, and said brother was now sitting with his face just inches from the TV set. "Stop stealing it! If you want to borrow it, then just ask." She had saved up to buy that record from work, and it was her current favourite album. 

Work was a whole other story now - she would have to explain her situation. She had gotten a note from the school's nurse so she hadn't been back to work since discovering her pregnancy. She hoped they would be as understanding as the professor had been. 

On another note, she had two new name ideas: Jimmy for a boy, and Paige for a girl. Warren was a classic rock fan as well, so she figured he would approve of her ideas. 

"How about Robert and Plant? Plant could be for a boy or a girl," suggested Peter, now peering over her shoulder. 

"Thanks for your help."

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