17. A Warm Welcome

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"Hi Carol."

The blonde groaned. "W-what happened?"

"How much do you remember?"

"I was at work, and my hands started hurting - burning. And glowing.  Then there was all this bright light and - that's it..." She trailed off.

"Carol, this is my sister, Daniela." The red-head waved.  "And this is Professor Xavier, the headmaster at my boarding school."

Charles gave Carol his kind and caring smile. "Hello, Ms. Danvers, I'm Charles Xavier from Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Wanda and Daniela are a couple of my students. I understand that something strange has happened."

"Yeah... I'm sorry, but how is the headmaster of a boarding school going to help me."

Charles smiled. "Because I run a very special school for very special people. And that includes you."


When Kath entered the kitchen for lunch, she found her metal man already there.

Piotr's lips broke out into a huge smile. "Hi Kath!"

"Hi Piotr," she chuckled. She instantly blushed as her mind conjured the memory of their kiss - their perfect first kiss. 

"How are you today?"

"Good thanks, you?"

"Good, da. Thank you."

They both chuckled, unsure of what else to say, and just staring at each other. 

"May I kiss you again?"

"You read my mind - maybe you're also a telepath.  You don't have to ask, either, but I love that you do."

"Are you feeling okay? Your powers?"

"Yeah, all good."

And they were kissing again, right there in the kitchen. Where anyone could walk in and see them...

A loud, dramatic gasp pulled them abruptly apart.

"Excuse me, but when did this happen?! Oooo, tell me everything, all the details!" Deadpool slid onto one of the counter stools, chin in his hands, legs swinging, expectantly waiting for a story.

"Wade," cried Piotr. "What are you doing here?"

"Was in the area, thought I'd pop in and say hi. So, you two finally did something about it, huh?"

"Beg your pardon?"

"About your super-obvious feelings for each other. Thank God, that was painful to watch, you two dancing around each other all the time. Like, just kiss already!"

"Way ahead of you there," said Kath.

Wade gasped again.  "Well, don't just leave me hanging like that! Give me the details - and don't leave any goodies out!"

Kath rolled her eyes.  "You're worse than my sister with your prying."

"Leave Kath alone, Wade."

"It's fine, Piotr, I'll just ignore him.  

"If only that were easy to do," sighed Piotr. 


"I-I don't understand. You're saying that I'm a mutant?" Xavier nodded. "But, at the theatre, that was a fire-"

"Unintentionally conjured by you. And I don't think it was quite a fire, but more of an energy blast."

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