21. All or Nothing

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Kath and Piotr were going out for their first date. Finally, Daniela said.

Neither wanted to venture too far, so Piotr suggested a picnic on the hill overlooking the estate. Kath thought this was perfect.

And it was. 

"This is the perfect date," Kath remarked as they sat under a tree in the warm afternoon.

"Da, it is," he agreed. 

And so for the next few weeks, this was their go-to date. Daniela was always eager for details, and so Kath would always tell her the same thing: they were taking it slow. It was going really well so far.

All until the next training session - that was when the tide of events changed for them. 

During the next training session, the group was training with the robots again.  Kath was straining hard under the pressure of trying to control and use her powers to take down her robot.

"Don't overexert yourself, Kath," Piotr called from the sidelines where he was monitoring the trainees.  "Take it easy." He had been encouraging her the whole time. 

Come on, she urged herself on. The whole robot was made of metal, for goodness sake, this should be easy. But instead, it was the total opposite. 

She moved her hands sideways in one sharp motion, hoping to knock the robot off its feet. However, the robot wasn't knocked off balance as she had intended - but Piotr was. 

His feet were thrown out from underneath him and he crashed to the ground, hard.

"Piotr - oh my God!"

Professor McCoy immediately shut down the robots and everyone stopped while he, Kath, and Daniela rushed to the fallen Piotr's side. 

"I'm so sorry, so sorry!" Kath was fussing.  "That was totally my fault, but I didn't mean to-"

"It is okay, Kath," Pitor assured her. "I know you didn't mean to."

But I still did it.

"Why don't you go cool off, Kath," Professor McCoy suggested.  "Have some water. You look flushed and exhausted."

She nodded, distantly, and headed out of the training room where she began pacing the halls, bottle of water in hand.

"Hey, you okay?" Daniela joined her out in the hall. 

"No, not really. How is he?"

"He's fine, just a little startled, maybe a little bruised from the fall. But nothing serious."

"That's good." Kath sighed heavily.  "But that's just the thing - I could have seriously hurt him."

"But you didn't," Daniela reminded her.

"I didn't think it would be so difficult for me to take down that stupid robot." 

"Kath." The sisters turned to see Piotr standing there. 

"Oh Piotr-" She rushed to him.  "I'm so sorry, I don't know what happened-"

"No need to apologize, Kath. Thank you, but I'm fine, really. Please, do not worry."

"Okay but-" She sighed.  "I thought I had it."

"You were doing well."

"Was I, though? I barely had any control over it, if any at all."

"I'll leave you two," Daniela said, and was gone back into the training room.

"I kept speaking to you, distracting you - it was my fault-" he said.

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