13. Surprise

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"I'm pregnant."

"Oh..." Kath didn't know what else to say.

Danilea nodded. "'Oh' is right."

"You're sure?"

"Yeah. I took one of those tests from the drug store. And it said positive. I was feeling crappy all day, so I guess that explains it..."

"Okay... When did you do the test?"

"About an hour ago. I had to wait for the results... I've been out of it ever since."

Kath could tell. Her sister didn't look her best at the moment. 

"Have you told Warren yet?"

At these words, Daniela's eyes grew wide.  "No! No, not yet. I don't know what to do, Kath."

"Well, you'll have to tell him."

"I know! I just don't know how." Then she added, "I'd like to do another test - who knows, those drug store ones probably aren't very good quality... It could have been wrong."

"I'm not sure about that. But you can do another test if you want. We could even go see a doctor, just to get a clear answer."

Daniela nodded. "Okay. Yeah, let's do that, I like that idea. But I'd rather go to the hospital, not the school nurse."

"Of course. Let's go."


"What happened with you and Piotr? Tell me."

Kath sighed. "I don't know... I'm still not so sure of it myself."

"Please.  Distract me."

Kath remembered that they were currently sitting in a doctors office waiting to hear if Daniela was indeed pregnant or not, so of course a distraction was understandable.

"Well, I ran into him in the kitchen and he said he overheard us arguing.  Then he dropped that he, well, loves me..."

"He loves you?!"

"Yeah, apparently, I guess... But he said that after he said he overheard me say I didn't love him."

"I knew you'd regret saying that."

Kath bit back a response. 

"But then again, now I regret saying that I do love him..." Kath noticed her sister's hands resting on her belly when she said this, concealing her secret.

Kath hesitated for a moment - she wasn't really sure why she hesitated, but she did - before reaching out and placing a hand over Daniela's, who, in turn, gripped her offered hand tightly.

That grip only tightened more when the door to the office opened and the doctor returned with the results.  

He came and sat down at his desk before the sisters. "All right, Miss Maximoff. Your test results came back positive. You are pregnant."

Daniela wouldn't look at him, just stared at the floor, now ringing her hands forcefully.

"Thank you, Doctor," Kath stepped in. "I think my sister just needs a moment."

"Of course." The doctor politely stepped out of the room again, leaving the two sisters.

Daniela choked back a sob, burying her face in her hands.

"Hey, don't cry, it's okay." Kath wrapped an arm around her.

"Now I have to tell him," Daniela  blubbered.

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