19. Big News

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"Dad's coming to visit."



"He says he's got a break from business, whatever the hell that means," said Wanda. "He wants to meet with us but apparently doesn't have time for a lunch outing."

"Well, thank goodness for that. But what about-" Daniela placed her hands on her belly. 

"Yeah, what about that?" agreed Peter. "That's the big question."

The siblings shared a silent, concerned glance - no one knew the answer to the so-called 'big question'.

Looked like she would have to start thinking about how to break to news to him after all. 


"Here, wear this-" Peter tossed an oversized hoodie at Daniela.

"I'm not even showing yet. It's too early for that."

"Still, good to take precaution."

"I would never wear this - he'll know something's up."

It was a couple of days later, and Dad was coming to the mansion for a visit. After a long discussion, Daniela and Warren had decided against telling Erik about the baby today - they had nine months, so lots of time. 

A family tea at the school proved to be just as, if not more, awkward than their lunch outings. For one thing, no one knew what to say - especially when all but one knew the big secret that was not being addressed. 

"Hey-" Kath smacked Peter's wrist when he reached for another chocolate biscuit. "There were two for each of us and now you've eaten more than half."

"No one else is eating any."

"Dad would you like one?" Kath held the plate out to Erik.

"No, thank you, Dear."

"See." Peter snatched another one.

After a painful near twenty minutes - that felt more like hours - filled with very little conversation, Daniela sighed and got to her feet. "This is ridiculous. I'll be right back."

She returned a few minutes later with Warren, the professor, and Piotr.

"You're sure about this?" Warren asked softly.

"We have to tell him sometime. And the longer we wait to tell him the more angry he'll be, I just know it."

"I'm sorry, has something happened?" asked the confused Erik.

Kath was eyeing her sister. You're sure? her gaze said. Daniela nodded.

Holding tightly onto Warren's hand, she turned to Erik. "Dad, this is Warren, my boyfriend, who I told you about. Everyone else in the room already knows this, but we're having a baby."

Dead silence followed her confession. No one dared look at Erik. However, his expression appeared rather neutral, strangely enough.

"How long have you known?" he asked, a near whisper. 

"Not long, it's very new."

Silence again.  That was, until the metal tea service began to tremble on the coffee table.

"Please tell me that's your doing," Peter said to Kath.

"It's not."


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