25. Katherine Magda Worthington

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"What does this mean?" Daniela was the first to speak following the shocked silence that followed she and Warren's unanswered question. Suddenly, she didn't feel so exhausted anymore. She felt wide awake now.

"I don't know," Jen admitted. "But don't panic," she quickly added.  "I'm going to go speak to management right now, there could have just been a mix up with the shifts.  I'll be right back, I promise." 

Jen was only gone three minutes total - Daniela watched the clock on the wall. However, it felt like a long, dragging eternity before the nurse finally returned.

As soon as she set foot back in the room, the two new parents turned to her expectantly. "I'm sorry, there's seems to be a lot of confusion.  No one knows who this 'Sarah' is."

"But who would she be? What does she want with Katy?" Daniela cried. Her mind was running wild now. 

"I've spoken with the others nurses and doctors, and we're all looking out for this Sarah and Katherine.  Could you describe this other nurse, please?"

Both parents stuttered out a description, and Jen quickly went to go pass thing along to the other hospital staff. 

"Oh my God - what the hell is happening?"

"Don't worry, Yela," Warren said, though it was clear he was trying not to panic as well.  "Like Jen said, I'm sure it's just some confusion."

"But if they don't have a nurse here named Sarah, who took Katy?"

Warren said nothing, for he didn't know either.  "I'm going to go get the others."

Daniela nodded, agreeing that this was a good next move, but her nod was distant - what the hell was happening? 

"Yela, Warren, what's happening?" Wanda asked when a very concerned Warren called them back into the room. 

"Katherine's gone - some fake nurse took her."


"Oh my God-"


"What the hell?"

"Exactly!" Daniela cried.  Then, suddenly, she sat bolt upright.  "Wait, I know who took her."

"You do?"

"Yeah." She looked at her siblings.  "Dad."


"What?" Her brother and sisters just blinked back at her. 

"You know how angry he was about my pregnancy, and how against Warren he is."

"Yeah, but-" She did have a point though - Erik had been extremely angered by the whole pregnancy reveal.  They just didn't want to believe it. Sure, Erik was known to go to extremes, but would he really go to an extreme such as this? 

"Let's split up," Carol cried.  "And look for her." 

"Someone should stay here in case the nurse comes back."

"Well I'm not going anywhere - I can't go anywhere," Daniela reminded them.  

"I'll stay here with you," Warren said.

"Warren, go, find our daughter and bring her back safely. Anyone I don't know comes through that door, I'll torch them."

"Okay - just maybe try not to torch any of the hospital staff."

With that, everyone left the room, splitting up and each taking to a separate wing of the hospital - the very empty wings of the hospital.

"Where are all the staff?" Carol whispered as she and Wanda crept down a strangely silent hallway.

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